November 2023

November 2023 Blog Topic: Share a habit you have created and the process it took for this to become a habit.
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily.  The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.” – John C. Maxwell

About ten years ago, everything in my world changed, and I needed a way to get grounded and set my intentions for each day.  I started a habit that would be a game-changer.  I started reading a daily Christian devotional each morning with my coffee.  Nothing big, but a new habit was forming, and I could see the results in my day.  I started it on a positive note, and it helped keep me grounded and present in my faith.  The habit then turned into reading my bible daily for 10 minutes.  I then got my family involved.  Each morning, we all took ten minutes to read a devotional or from our Bibles. 

Over time, my morning routine has grown as I added new things to it.  One of the first things I added was writing my daily gratitude list.  Another important thing I added was always listening to something positive while I was getting ready each morning or just while washing my face and brushing my teeth if I was not leaving the house that day. 

Now, today, I have a pretty elaborate morning routine.  It starts with my hubby making coffee; I know I’m spoiled.  He brings me my coffee and a glass of water while I do my quiet time in my Zen Den.  This is the time when I read my bible, write my gratitude list, say my prayers for people in my life, stretch, and listen to something positive.  Depending on my goals at that time, I have been known to do my daily affirmations and/or goal-setting stuff during this time, too.  I prefer to get a workout first thing in the morning before heading off to the shower and starting my day.  I normally have a smoothie built with all kinds of healthy ingredients.  I need to start my day hydrated and with lots of nourishment. 

If I am being honest, morning routines actually start the night before.  The night before, I write my list of priorities for the next day.  I get anything prepped that I may need to start the next day successfully.  That might mean getting the coffee pot programmed if I have an early morning, making sure the clothes I want to wear are clean and ready, or mentally preparing for the next day.  This helps because when my feet hit the floor the next morning, I already know what is in store for my day, and I am not floundering through the day.

If I could recommend one daily habit, it would be to create a morning routine.  Keep it simple and build on it over time with things that are important to you.  Some things to consider for a morning routine habit would be to begin with gratitude, feed your mind, savor your morning brew, hydrate, connect with nature, or get some movement in.  Remember to start small and build the habit. 

Now, if I am really honest, I want to establish a bedtime routine.  I tried earlier this year, and I failed.  I failed because I built this elaborate bedtime routine, and it was too hard to do.  I have to remind myself that my morning routine did not start out elaborate.  So, the goal is a 10-minute bedtime routine to start and build on it.  The first two hours in the morning and the last two hours before bed are the most important.

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