November 2023

November 2023 Blog Topic: Share a habit you have created and the process it took for this to become a habit.
By Sharon Loduca, Real Estate Professional in Ontario, Canada

A habit I created and the process it took. This is interesting to look back on. Mainly because I used to think that creating habits, meant creating schedules, meant restricting free-spiritedness. I happily admit that is not the case. Forming habits, good habits, one small habit at a time, has turned my life around, it has given me back my power, and it has given me a sense of accomplishment and productiveness.

Creating the habit of starting my day with a focus on personal health and well-being has been a transformative journey. I discovered that dedicating the early hours of the morning to self-care not only energized me but also set a positive tone for the entire day.

The cornerstone of this routine is my commitment to rising before 6 a.m. during the workweek for a brisk swim. This daily ritual serves as a vital anchor for my overall well-being, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The process of establishing this habit was not without its challenges. Initially, the allure of the snooze button and the comfort of a warm bed were fierce adversaries. However, I soon realized that the moments of triumph that followed each early morning swim far outweighed the temporary coziness of my bed. The feeling of plunging into the pool’s waters and the realization that I was making an active choice to prioritize my health was immensely empowering, quite honestly. Swimming at the break of dawn is also a physical challenge, pushing me to surpass my limits. Each lap becomes a battle against my previous records, a personal competition that fuels my desire for self-improvement.

Following my morning swim, I indulge in a simple yet satisfying routine. A steaming cup of coffee by the lake (sometimes with a book, always followed by a walk) becomes my reward, a moment of pure indulgence in the beauty of nature. The tranquility of the early morning hours by the water’s edge allows for a precious period of introspection. It’s time to set intentions for the day, contemplate life’s intricacies, and find solace in the stillness of the world just awakening, as dawn opens its sleepy eyes announcing the beginning of a new day. This brief interlude enables me to ease into the day and savor the present moment.  I wrap up my me-time with a simple and satisfying breakfast as I dig into my day.

The profound impact of this daily ritual is undeniable. It has allowed me to approach my work with a renewed sense of focus and vitality. The invigorating swim provides an ample supply of oxygen to my body, enhancing alertness and creativity. Moreover, the improved circulation brings about a sense of lightness and agility, which translates into improved productivity.

In essence, this habit has revolutionized the way I experience my mornings. By prioritizing self-care and embracing the simple joy of an early swim, I’ve discovered a means to infuse productivity, health, and contentment into the start of each day. The daily ritual is not merely a habit anymore, but now more of a celebration of the choices I make for my well-being, a source of inspiration that sets the tone for a fulfilling life.

Shall I say, there’s nothing quite as empowering as forming good habits 😊

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