We dedicate this website to YOU because we believe stories heal, inspire, guide, nurture, and matter.

When we think of our stories, whether they are good or bad, what do we learn from them? Do we see the steps that led us into that chapter?  Do we see the steps that led us out?   Can the writing give a clearer internal perspective?  Can the writing assist, help and or inspire another?

Led Me To This is not about sharing stories of whoa, nor is it about sharing stories of a perfect life.  It is about both and everything in between.  We believe your story can inspire others.  We believe your truth will enable another to voice theirs.
We believe you and your journey matters and should be shared.

We invite you to write your words. Perhaps it is a story with a lesson. Perhaps it is just a story that causes a smile.  Either way, the writing process unveils to us things we do not see in our thoughts… so we can open up more fully to all the possibilities in life… so we can give voice to the words.

Not sure where to begin?

Each month we have a writing prompt. Stories are due a week before the last day of the month. Submit your story to: mystory@ledmetothis.com