June 2023

June 2023 Topic: The need my business meets is… (What does your business solve for your clients?).
By Sharon Loduca, Real Estate Professional in Ontario, Canada

The short answer to the ‘what’ would be to provide valuable assistance and help them achieve their real estate goals. The deeper answer, however, lies in the ‘how’.

For example: For a home buyer, it would be imperative that I understand their requirements and preferences, along with their budget constraints. Only then could I use my knowledge of the market to find them a suitable home in a suitable neighbourhood.  That would be followed by my ability to negotiate prices, terms, and contingencies to ensure they get the best deal and that the paperwork reflects that. After all, if it ain’t in writing, well, it ain’t so! 

If the client is a first-time buyer, my knowledge of mortgage options and incentives would be very helpful to this client.  Then there are these quality connections with lenders, contractors, inspectors, lawyers, etc. to ensure my clients are getting the best all-around professional care. With those pieces in place, I am able to support and guide my clients with due diligence through to closing time, professionally, accurately, and on time.

For a home seller, of course, it would still be imperative that I understand their goals. The process will be just a little bit different.

For example, a seller client would be requiring my professionalism and market knowledge to provide and explain a comprehensive market analysis of not only the current market value but the best marketing strategy as well in order to get them the best price in the shortest time. Sellers would also need to know the best ways to prepare their home even before it hits the market. Once on the market, they could depend on my reliability to be available to them and to potential buyers, as well as my negotiation skillset. They would be able to count on my ability to present the home in its best light, to widely market its best features, my timely communication, and my pristine transaction management. And then, of course, guide them smoothly to the close.

For a downsizer, it would mean all of the above, along with coordinating a smooth clean transition between both properties while transitioning them into a new community environment. My knowledge of financial planning in addition to having a professional financial planner on my team, is usually of great value to this client.

For an investor, it would mean all of the above, along with really understanding their business growth strategy, directing them to properties with the best income opportunities, and the best potential for market increase value. If they are new(er) investors, it most likely would also include guidance in securing the best tenants. Understanding how to redirect equity in existing properties would also be of importance to this client.

I cannot stress enough the ability to listen. Every client’s journey is unique. There will be that ONE thing that matters above all else. It is my job to learn and understand what that is and build their specific best strategy around that.

By fulfilling those needs, I will confidently know that I am providing valuable assistance to every one of my clients. They will have achieved their real estate goals.  Prioritizing my client’s best interests is essential to securing smooth closings, meeting objectives, and ensuring happy clients.

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