December 2022

December Topic: Define success.

By Sharon Loduca with Sharon Loduca Real Estate

How you do ONE thing is how you do EVERYthing.

Admiral McRaven admonished his graduating seniors with this statement in his commencement speech, “If you want to change the world, start by making your bed.”

These are sobering thoughts, aren’t they? They are rather simple in direction, not complicated to understand or comprehend, but sobering.

I tend to overthink. Along with that tendency, comes a distinct ability to over-complicate 😊. I always think there is some great strategy, some master plan, some secret formula for success.

I look behind me, way more often than is wise, and see the trail of things that didn’t quite work out as planned. I look at the unfinished pile on my desk and all the ideas on my phone notepad, which were great ideas at that moment when I took time to jot them down.

Then I remember: What I focus on, expands.

We know this. What happens when we focus on our fears? Yeah, they deepen and multiply. What happens when we focus on sweet thoughts about a budding romance? Yeah, we will daydream all day, and stomp on the foot of the person who dares to interrupt.

What you focus on, expands. But what does all this have to do with success?

I realized that once I owned that four-letter F-word (fear) as a normal part of life, I was free (my other favourite four-letter F-word) from having to focus on it. With the absence of fear having a dominant hold, “what-if” starts to take its place.

What surprised me most about this is what I finally came to realize: success is an inside job! All those things we call ‘success’ (good job, lots of clients, money, hot red convertible, big house, luxury vacations) are simply the BY-PRODUCT of that inside job!

I started by finding success right where I am, and I recommend the same for you.

Today, it may start with getting out of bed. Tomorrow, it may be making the bed. Next week, it may be leaving an addiction behind or signing up for a course. Next month, success may be sticking with a goal until it is completed. 

Success may simply be no longer complying with the world’s constant non-stop 24-7 demands. Success may be living a healthier lifestyle. It may be learning the ability to slow down and in that very moment enjoy your kids, immersing in the fullness of the welcoming embrace of the rising sun, savouring the aroma of those freshly roasted vanilla coffee beans.

The biggest obstacle to success is me. Hence, the biggest contributor to success? Also me!! Think about that!! I mean: Stop. Really think about what that could mean to the quality of your life. Think about how much of our success rests in the fold of our own hands!

You will likely experience bumps in the road, setbacks, and obstacles. You may even lose motivation and focus sometimes. That is perfectly ok. It is normal. It is called LIFE. Don’t give these things more power than they deserve. Recognize them as normal and carry on. Don’t worry about those hiccups. Just stay the course.

As you find success on the inside, it will flow over to other areas of your life. Success is not just something that happens because of work. 

Success is something that changes on the inside, one small decision at a time, allowing me to find a new perspective, to find courage, to believe in myself and the people surrounding me. 

Success is openly and unabashedly celebrating every step we take in the right direction, regardless of its outcome.  

In this light, clearly, we are all destined for SUCCESS!!

3 thoughts on “December 2022

  1. Wow! I love this attitude, and spoken with the sound of someone who’s experienced the doubts and fears we all seem to feel somewhere along the way. I found this to be very helpful to read today.
    Thanks so much.

    1. Dearest Una: Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I humbly apologize for the delayed response! I am sssooo glad you found this blog post helpful. Sharon is a brilliant writer! I hope it has continued to serve you. Many blessings to you and yours, Jamie (website helper for

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