August 2023

August 2023 Blog Topic: What was your first sale as a business owner? Share about it. If you are NOT a business owner: Share a time when you supported a small business and the experience.
By Sharon Loduca, Real Estate Professional in Ontario, Canada

The thought of this still makes me chuckle. I had just transitioned from working full-time on mortgages to real estate.  My first real estate client was a lead from my broker. I knew nothing about them. My first phone call with them was a challenge because his accent was so strong. So, I had him come into the office. Face-to-face was easier anyway. But in this case, it was necessary just so I could read his lips and with my best guess of what he was saying, to take it from there.

He had his own mortgage broker. So armed with the numbers he gave me, we set out to see some homes.  Out on the first visit, he picks a home and we put an offer. It is at that time he casually mentioned he has plans already to go back home, get married, and come back with his deposit, a suitcase full of cash.  Aaah! What an adventure we were on!

It was like diving headfirst into the rabbit hole of the real estate world, where the cash system clashed with the money trail paperwork of our conventional ways.  It felt like I was in a whirlwind of learning experiences! Sure, I was no stranger to mortgages or real estate, but this client took me on quite the journey and taught me some invaluable lessons.

I quickly realized that I required a whole new level of finesse. I had to become the master of intense conversations and clearly written instructions. Follow-up? Oh, you betcha! I followed up on the follow-up. If there was an Olympic sport for follow-up, I’d be a gold medalist.

But it all paid off in the end.  After countless persuasive talks, I managed to convince him that bringing a suitcase full of cash across continents really was not the best idea. I really appreciate that he was teachable and listened to reason. 😊

He did go back home. He got married and returned to move into his new home. In fact, he still lives there with his wife, kids, and her parents.

This, my first client, was an incredible adventure that taught me the importance of having the right people on my team. Reputable lawyers and mortgage brokers are like superheroes in this cash-clashing world. And I’ve been perfecting my client-handling process ever since. Constantly learning. Constantly improving.

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