Wil Becker

July 2023 Blog Topic: Share something we may not know about you.
By Wil Becker with Turning Leaf Solutions

There are so many answers that can come from this question. Some that may be embarrassing and some that would be very funny. Personally, I tend to think of my formative experiences.

For example, the day I knew I loved air conditioning. My dad was stationed at Fort Meade, MD; I was probably 13 years old at the time. Maryland summers can be hot and humid… sometimes. We went to church in the morning and the house temp had been set to 70°F. We came home from church and my dad opened the door to the house, the storm door had closed behind him.

I opened the storm door and walked into that pocket of cold… aaahhh, instant relief. I knew right then and there that I loved AC and I would keep my own place chilled.

Eventually, we would move to another duty station, and I would sneakily change the AC temp in our home. My mom would always yell at me when she got too cold and after she discovered that I had changed the temperature again.

One year for my birthday, she made a cake and in the icing on top, she wrote “King of Cold” (it was blue frosting). I think it was a chocolate cake with cream cheese icing.

We moved to Texas after my dad got out of the Army. Eventually, I got my own apartment, during college, and kept the temp at 68°F. I had two roommates and we had three couches in the living room. We hosted a lot of hangouts because Steve was (and still is) the handsome one whom the young ladies liked, and Paul had a big-screen TV.

Because we did a lot of movies and other activities at that apartment, we kept a pile of blankets in the front closet. When people came over, they would grab a blanket from the closet. The ladies would sit two or three under a blanket. Spring, summer, winter, or fall… I kept that apartment at 68°F.

I have some fond memories of those times; so much so, that I sometimes miss that 900-square-foot apartment.

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