July 2022

July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now?
By Jamie Allen Bishop with Jamie Allen Bishop Coaching

Success. Success scared the living daylights out of me when I first started my business over 17 years ago.

Thank GODdess I am coachable because success leaves clues.

Growing up in Hollywood, California, and coming from a background connected to the movie industry, I was surrounded by stars, their kids, and child celebrities. These are some of the most amazing people on the planet – dedicated to their craft, beautiful to look at, and financially blessed. Examples to look up to, right?

Not always! Many celebrities come with baggage, lots of baggage. If they aren’t centered in who they are and what they are creating in the world, they can bring to their fame experience intense problems that sometimes seem unfixable – relationship challenges, eating disorders, addictions issues, situational narcissism, etc.

Growing up, I believed everything I witnessed.

It took me many years to realize the beliefs I held were based on a false understanding of reality, a reality witnessed through the lens of a child’s mindset. I had decided that wealth was synonymous with trouble. Since I didn’t want trouble, I subconsciously decided I didn’t want wealth, either.

(Silly me.)

But let’s back up a minute. Let’s look at what success actually is. The version of “success” I was influenced by wasn’t real success. Wealth, sure. Possessions, fine. But true wealth is found in choices and time freedom. What I witnessed growing up wasn’t freedom. It was more like prison.

Like a celebrity, I want to travel the world and own homes in exotic places. I want to dine with royalty and be known, welcomed, and coddled everywhere I go. I want to be the kind of wealthy where I can take my family and friends on all-expenses-paid vacations whenever we want just because we can.

I also want romantic love, global education, emotional stability, physical health, and spiritual happiness.

To feel wealthy – unbelievably wealthy – I retrain my mindset. Every. Single. Day.

I focus on feeling good. Find the calm and you’ll find the joy.

I hold space for people’s journeys. Release expectations and shift perception.

I laser focus on manifestation. Thoughts become reality.

I am intentional with my words. Focus on what matters most.

I decide that wealth is important because I am important. What you give is what you get.

As I continue to manifest my reality, I become more and more aware of how these dreams are already fulfilled for me. I am already living the life I have always wanted – I travel the world; I am welcomed wherever I go; I pay for and attend all-expenses-paid events; I am in love with a boy who walked me home from 3rd grade; I educate myself through books. podcasts, and global coursework. I am emotionally stable and loving; I have a spiritual practice I hone daily; and I focus on my physical health more and more every day.

My reality is a dream come true.

Success leaves clues and the mindset through which we view our lives is a big part of realizing our dreams.

How do you define success? Get crystal clear about what that looks like for you and the Universe will conspire to provide.

Dream big, my friend, because dreams do come true.

Jamie Allen Bishop portrait
Jamie Allen Bishop

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