December 2022

December 2022 Topic: Define success.
By Jamie Allen Bishop with Jamie Allen Bishop Coaching

Each one of us has a different definition of success. To me, the best thing about defining success is that it is always evolving, and my imagination continues to grow and expand.

I wrote my definition of success using a present-tense story. This is a powerful exercise that always brings joy to my heart and clarity to my mind.

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I am sitting on the balcony of my favorite home snuggled up in a cashmere blanket and settled against my chaise lounge. I am sipping a lovely cup of hot earl grey tea with just a touch of sweet cream. The sun is peeking over the calm ocean horizon and several dolphins are playing leapfrog in the waters before me.

Contemplating the events of the day ahead, I allow the gentle lapping of the waves to wash over my soul as I imagine how each moment might pan out. For now, this is my meditation practice. This is my moment of connection. This is my peace.

Today is an important day for my business. It is my Fifth Annual New Year’s Eve Extravaganza and Fundraiser aboard the appropriately named Soul Heart FriendShips. The deluxe accommodations host a plethora of guest rooms and a fifty-person crew delighted to tend to the full spectrum of requirements my wealthy guests might expect. The party theme is A Wrinkle In Time, and my guests are dressing in costumes to attend. I imagine everyone sporting their fabulous clothing, feeling comfortable, blessed, and happy.

As I sip my tea, I am reminded of how easily each step of the process has come together – from the divine dance music and enlightening entertainment to the delicious menu items created specifically for each participant, smelling the delicate fragrance of the stunning flower arrangements housed in each room of the entire ship. Every detail has been brought to fruition and many businesses have been supported in the process. Each attendee’s gift bag has been gathered with forethought and love, creating a special and distinctive thank you for their involvement.

We are a company known for hosting fundraiser cruises for philanthropically minded individuals. Each year on New Year’s Eve, we raise money and awareness for my personal project, Teach Your Children Wellness, involving a new kind of free K-through-12 education. This version of required coursework is a modern-day twist on ancient practices in conjunction with the traditional classes necessary to live a productive life. The curriculum we created is quickly becoming the acclaimed method for global education because the instruction involves lessons for the whole person. Through information sharing, practical skills instruction, and intuitive reminders, we teach children (and their parents) wellness. These are classes that encompass the positive effects genuine self-confidence, self-evaluation, and self-worth have on societies across the globe.

Our special two-day cruise celebrates the new year and collects a large chunk of our annual funds. The best thing about this event is that it joins together some of my favorite people in the world – truly beautiful business owners who work collaboratively to make society happy and peaceful.

This fundraiser is the result of support and guidance received from sponsors, colleagues, clients, friends, and family. It is a blessing to be involved, and I am extraordinarily grateful for the continued expansion of my vision for peace on earth.

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Can you envision my version of success, too? What role do you play? I welcome you to let me know. I would love to have you aboard! 😉

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