July 2023

July 2023 Blog Topic: Share something we may not know about you.
By Cheryl Clark with Clark Strategies

Hear that creaking sound??  That is the lid to Pandora’s box opening!  Boy, what a loaded topic this blog post could be!  Talk about picking and choosing what one may want to share for all to see and read!  I’ll share three:

  1. I hate olives.
  2. I can’t sleep with my feet tucked in – they MUST be out of the blankets/covers.
  3. I am petrified of grasshoppers!  Yes, you read it right, and yes you can chuckle!

My hate for olives started about 12 years ago.  I went to a local Subway (sandwich shop) and had them craft me up a sub and said I would love some olives on it.  I took the sub home, opened the wrapper, sunk my teeth in, and gagged!  This was no longer a sub sandwich with multiple toppings. It was an OLIVE loaded, soaked, saturated moment… and Tada!  A disdain for olives has been part of my world ever since!  Some have asked but what about a pizza with olives on it?  Oh, I can get it into me, but I will go the extra mile on a pizza with olives and lift the cheese up to check for any sneaky hidden olive components prior to eating said pizza slice and remove them all before sinking in my teeth!

Why don’t they make sleeping bags with little tuck-outs for feet?  Have you ever thought of that?  I don’t know when or where or why this started for me, but it is very real.  My feet wrapped up and tucked in bring on a sort of small panic attack of feeling trapped and confined.  My feet also sweat if enclosed and I want to say overheat though I know that may sound like I’m exaggerating but they literally feel on fire in what others may consider comfy cozy moments.  Yet, let me add this – I don’t do barefoot hardly ever and always have socks on even when just wandering around home!  Go ahead and analyze this one – and while you are at it wait till you read the next paragraph on something you may now know about me!

Petrified is a level up from scared, isn’t it?  I am petrified of grasshoppers!  My mother said as a child I would play with them, and I can not remember those playful moments, but I can picture it because I do love all things nature and critters.  Give me a snake, spider, mouse any ole day but heck no to the grasshopper!  I faint.  The world goes dark and black, and I just can’t.  During ‘grasshopper season’ you will find me grabbing onto the shoulder of a friend, closing my eyes, and having said friend lead me to wherever we need to go!  You will see me pull my car forward and back and forward again and back until I think I have successfully scared all grasshoppers in the near area as I get out of my car and bolt to my indoor area.  Yes, me… a 5 foot 10 on the larger size gal can not do this bug whatsoever!

Now when you see friends post a picture of a grasshopper on my Facebook wall – you’ll know they are in the know and are one step away from being blocked!  Just sayin’!

Oh, the many pieces of a puzzle that make up who we are and so many pieces are never seen by others!

Great blog topic this month, and I am looking forward to reading other blogs, too.

One thought on “July 2023

  1. Hhahaha as someone who loves olives, keeps their feet tucked in, and is slightly fascinated by grasshoppers, I love hearing from the other side .. and guessing I should not invite you to a grasshopper taste test :))

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