January 2023

January 2023 Topic: How am I leaving the world a better place than when I came into it?
By Ceone Leistner with ENJO Canada

“We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”
~ an 18-century Sioux Chief

Think about that…. really think about it. Do you want to leave a mess for future generations to have to clean up and deal with? Or would you rather do your best to leave them a place where they don’t have to deal with some of the issues you had in your lifetime?

I, for one, would never wish those younger than me to endure any hardship that I could help them avoid. This is especially true for things where I can very easily adjust my actions to make a big positive impact. For instance, I will walk a few extra steps to make sure I put something in the recycling bin rather than just toss it into the garbage can. I *may* be known to point out to others that an item should be recycled, too.

Is it really that difficult to do? No!

Let’s be completely honest here.: Is there a valid reason you cannot put the item in the recycling bin? Not very often! One can here, one bottle there, perhaps a piece of paper or two a little later. It certainly doesn’t seem like much right? Well, why don’t you add up all of those “one here” and “one there” actions over the course of a day, a week, a month, or a year. By the time you get to adding them up over the course of your lifetime, that’s a pretty big pile!! Wouldn’t a nice place to safely play outdoors be more positive for your grandchildren than a pile of stinky garbage?

Still not convinced to make a change for the planet?

How about we find a way to make it beneficial for you?

For me, I hate the smell of the garbage can, so I am motivated (in addition to the above) to rinse the container and toss it in the recycle bin (and get a little extra exercise since I will also put it out in the recycle bin in the garage rather than leave it in the kitchen).

What works for you?

One of the biggest changes I made was switching from traditional cleaning products, which contain toxic chemicals, to using ENJO which just uses cold water. So much healthier for me.; I can actually breathe when I am cleaning!  Plus, the positive effect it has on the Earth is mind-boggling! I still clean, I just choose to clean in a healthier manner for both the planet and me!

I challenge you to consider just this one simple switch.

And, if you want to see the effect the cleaning products you use have on the Earth, water one of your houseplants with that chemical for a few weeks, and water another plant with water. Afterward, which plant looks healthier?

Through these seemingly small changes: recycling and using ENJO, I know I am doing what I can to leave the Earth a better place for the future.

What are you doing?

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