January 2024

January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing?
By Ceone Leistner with ENJO Canada

What is the big goal or dream I am chasing? Well, for my business it is to “Clean the World.” Ironically, this is literally in our logo. But, as I asked myself, this was my honest answer!

Why is this important to me? Well, although I do not have children myself, I have lots of friends and family with children. At the rate we are going in the world, what state will the Earth be in by the time the current children are my age? Every little bit I (and all of you) do now will only make things better for future generations. We are borrowing the world from our children. They are the ones who will suffer (unless we make some drastic changes now) because of the way we, and the generations before us, have lived. It doesn’t seem like a big deal: toss something into the garbage can instead of the recycle bin, spray that cleaning chemical and wipe the surface then wash the rag (unless you also toss that into the garbage can, too), leave the water running when you aren’t using it…. All of these little things aren’t huge if you look at each individual one.  Add them up over a lifetime and it’s a different story.

I have cut out toxic cleaning chemicals (I just use water and my amazing cleaning fibers). I recycle like crazy and have been known to torment my family if I see anyone tossing recyclables into the garbage can. We have installed solar panels on our house. I try to conserve water as much as possible. I prefer to purchase products with minimal packaging (why does something in a bag need to be in another bag inside a rigid plastic container???). I cook from scratch instead of buying pre-made (less packaging and omg the taste is so much better!). We use eco-grass cat little for our two fur babies, and I am excited that our city will start allowing their litter deposits to be put into organic recycling later this year! I walk to the grocery store rather than drive whenever possible (with the side benefit of more exercise). I use my blinds and curtains rather than the A/C whenever possible. I am sure there is more. What do you do?

I would love to see what the Earth would be like if we all cut out the toxic chemicals. Often, they end up going down the drain (either in the sink or via the washing machine, etc.) or in landfills leaching the toxins into the ground. None of this is good for the earth and none of it is necessary. Other eco-friendly options are often even better than the methods we grew up with, you just need to learn about them.

So often I hear “I’ve never heard of this” when I am out and about spreading the word about ENJO. Once people see the results for themselves, the cleaning switch is a no-brainer. Responses like, “I can’t believe how much cleaner my house is”, or “my skin has never been so soft/clean/clear”, are so common when I talk to customers. Yes, I am helping them save time when they clean. Yes, I am helping them save money on their cleaning products. Yes, I am helping them improve their health and that of their family by ridding their homes of toxic cleaning chemicals and residue. Yes, I am helping to make cleaning easier for them. The by-product of all of this is us all working toward the ultimate goal of cleaning the world.

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