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January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing?
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

“To chase dreams, be brave like a knight.  Put on your courage armor, charge into the battle with strong determination, and watch your dreams unfold.” ~Anonymous.

Personally, I do not like the term “chasing my dreams”.  I feel like it is something I may never catch up to.  So, I would rather say that I am taking steps each day intentionally to make my dreams a reality.  I think there is power in our thoughts and our words, and we should use them carefully. 

This year, 2024, I have big goals and dreams.  As we start the year off there is a lot of chaos going on with some home renovations, however, the payoff will be great.  We are planning to downsize and be able to travel more.  Being free of a huge house and property will free up our time to allow us to travel, make memories, and experience more. This may not seem like a big goal to some, but to us, this is a big darn deal.  Time is the only thing we cannot get back and how we choose to spend our time is important to us. 

Where do we want to travel, well the list is long.  The journey will begin in 2024 and continue.  We would like to visit as many state and national monuments as possible.  Finding fun and unique hiking trails is definitely on my agenda.  Spending some time in both Canada and Mexico is on the agenda as well.  Taking a train ride across the country, finding unique destinations, and going on a cruise are just some of the things we would like to do.

So, we are taking the necessary steps to make our dreams and goals a reality.  Embracing every step of the journey, celebrating milestones along the way, and making memories as we make it all happen. 

Suzy Rawlins’ Blog

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December 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 13:05:36 +0000 December 2023 Blog Topic: Write your 2024 plans, goals, and intentions. By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy […]

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December 2023 Blog Topic: Write your 2024 plans, goals, and intentions.
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

The clock strikes midnight, fireworks are in the air, and glasses are toasted to a new year!  It is officially 2024, Hooray!!

But before I step into all that the incredibleness of 2024, I take a moment to be grateful for 2023. I am grateful for the experiences that shaped me, the people that supported me, the lessons learned, the memories made, and the growth I experienced. Most importantly, I am grateful for all the seeds planted that will grow and thrive in 2024!

As the sun rises on New Year’s Day, the possibilities are endless, and the future is written by God and co-authored by me. This year will be filled with progress, not perfection. I am committed to continuous improvement and in the pursuit of living my best life.

The goal for 2024 is to THRIVE! To me, thriving goes far beyond meeting basic needs; it encapsulates a holistic approach to living that embraces growth, resilience, and fulfillment. I will do the ordinary and allow God to orchestrate the extraordinary. 

Travel is on the list for 2024, both in the US and internationally. It is time to pack the bags, book the flights, take the road trips, and check things off our bucket list.

Heart-centered generosity is always on the agenda each year. This year, the goal is to seek more opportunities to serve the community and spread kindness.

Relocation and embarking on a new chapter. We have packed up boxes and let go of things that no longer serve us to make space for what truly matters: experiences, connections, and personal growth. We will be saying goodbye to the home that we thought was the dream so that we can embrace a simpler life, closer to nature, and filled with fresh experiences. Now that is what we call living the dream.

Inspire as many people as possible to live their best and healthiest lives. As a holistic health and wellness coach it is my passion to witness my clients increase confidence through daily intentional living to experience living their best life.

Value giving in all things business. Whether it is a fellow business owner, a client, or just someone I barely met, it is my goal to make a positive impact. This year I am starting a podcast, cranking up my social media presence, and launching a few new things, NO I won’t disclose what they are, but you will want to stay tuned for sure.

Expecting and experiencing the most incredible moments and milestones this year. I will start by finishing my holistic health and wellness program with a 4.0 GPA, then pass the exam for the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches with flying colors. Once I obtain my coaching certification, I plan to obtain my state massage license. It’s a long story, but I graduated from massage school many years ago and never got my license.

This year will be a fantastic balance of personal and professional experiences. Setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, cultivating meaningful relationships, and making time for things that bring my heart joy is a priority. I am ditching the “new year, new me” thought and just embracing who God designed me to be.

Thriving is not a destination; it is a continuous journey. So let 2024 be the beginning of going from surviving to truly thriving. I have made a commitment to myself that I will live life to the fullest, doing things that bring me more joy, and ALWAYS giving God the glory.

I raise my glass to toast CHEERS to 2024!

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November 2023 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:34:30 +0000 November 2023 Blog Topic: Share a habit you have created and the process it took for this to become a […]

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November 2023 Blog Topic: Share a habit you have created and the process it took for this to become a habit.
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily.  The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.” – John C. Maxwell

About ten years ago, everything in my world changed, and I needed a way to get grounded and set my intentions for each day.  I started a habit that would be a game-changer.  I started reading a daily Christian devotional each morning with my coffee.  Nothing big, but a new habit was forming, and I could see the results in my day.  I started it on a positive note, and it helped keep me grounded and present in my faith.  The habit then turned into reading my bible daily for 10 minutes.  I then got my family involved.  Each morning, we all took ten minutes to read a devotional or from our Bibles. 

Over time, my morning routine has grown as I added new things to it.  One of the first things I added was writing my daily gratitude list.  Another important thing I added was always listening to something positive while I was getting ready each morning or just while washing my face and brushing my teeth if I was not leaving the house that day. 

Now, today, I have a pretty elaborate morning routine.  It starts with my hubby making coffee; I know I’m spoiled.  He brings me my coffee and a glass of water while I do my quiet time in my Zen Den.  This is the time when I read my bible, write my gratitude list, say my prayers for people in my life, stretch, and listen to something positive.  Depending on my goals at that time, I have been known to do my daily affirmations and/or goal-setting stuff during this time, too.  I prefer to get a workout first thing in the morning before heading off to the shower and starting my day.  I normally have a smoothie built with all kinds of healthy ingredients.  I need to start my day hydrated and with lots of nourishment. 

If I am being honest, morning routines actually start the night before.  The night before, I write my list of priorities for the next day.  I get anything prepped that I may need to start the next day successfully.  That might mean getting the coffee pot programmed if I have an early morning, making sure the clothes I want to wear are clean and ready, or mentally preparing for the next day.  This helps because when my feet hit the floor the next morning, I already know what is in store for my day, and I am not floundering through the day.

If I could recommend one daily habit, it would be to create a morning routine.  Keep it simple and build on it over time with things that are important to you.  Some things to consider for a morning routine habit would be to begin with gratitude, feed your mind, savor your morning brew, hydrate, connect with nature, or get some movement in.  Remember to start small and build the habit. 

Now, if I am really honest, I want to establish a bedtime routine.  I tried earlier this year, and I failed.  I failed because I built this elaborate bedtime routine, and it was too hard to do.  I have to remind myself that my morning routine did not start out elaborate.  So, the goal is a 10-minute bedtime routine to start and build on it.  The first two hours in the morning and the last two hours before bed are the most important.

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October 2023 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 13:33:43 +0000 October 2023 Blog Topic: Share your favorite DIY Home Improvement or decorating project that you want to do or have […]

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October 2023 Blog Topic: Share your favorite DIY Home Improvement or decorating project that you want to do or have done.
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

My family and I had the opportunity to completely redecorate our home and wardrobes in 2014.  We had new and new-to-us furniture, clothing, home décor, and dishes donated to us after we lost everything in a house fire.  Yes, you read that first sentence correctly.  This was an experience that we saw as an opportunity instead of a challenge.  True a house fire is tragic, however, there were so many blessings in this for our family.

We found a new home that was beautiful and had some ah-mazing neighbors.  The community came together and filled two large storage units with all the wonderful donations.  When we first started unpacking those storage units, we had no idea what all was in there, so it was like Christmas when we unpacked them.  In fact, we had too much stuff, and so we were blessed with the opportunity to donate to another family that lost everything in a house fire.

I can remember the boys literally going through all the clothes and trying stuff on, they had so much fun.  As a family, we decorated the house, made it feel like home, and made it feel like our own.  It’s a fact that some of our favorite items were lost in the fire, it’s still a fact that some of them are missing, but we are thankful that we were able to keep what we did have.

As a result, one of my favorite DIY home improvement and decorating projects was a blessing out of a tragedy.  It was a complete re-do of our home and wardrobes for our family.  It not only brought our family together more, but we also developed solid gratitude for all things in life, not just possessions.

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September 2023 Sat, 30 Sep 2023 13:33:15 +0000 September 2023 Blog Topic: What inspired you to start your own business? If you do not own a business, what […]

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September 2023 Blog Topic: What inspired you to start your own business? If you do not own a business, what inspires you when you see a business functioning and functioning well or meet an owner?
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

Since I was a young girl, I remember thinking I would own my own business someday.  I think being an entrepreneur is just part of my DNA. 

As I write this, I have been an entrepreneur for over 15 years.  I guess the BIG WHY was time freedom.  I was a single mama of two very young boys and had been working several jobs at a time to make ends meet.  I missed out on several memories and fun times because I had to work how I was scheduled.  I often worked long hours, back-to-back shifts, ran on lack of sleep, and did whatever it took to make it happen. 

I had just graduated from massage therapy school, where I was looking forward to becoming my boss.  However, my health took a turn, so I had to postpone that.  I ended up taking a job as an outside sales rep for an auto glass company.  This is where I was introduced to the community of networking.  I was still an employee representing a company, working their dictated hours, and only earning a commission.  At a networking meeting, I met a woman who introduced me to a skin care product that I fell in love with.  She also shared the opportunity for me to be an independent consultant and build my own business.  This blew my mind; I could choose my hours and still work for commission only. I would not have someone breathing down my back about putting in certain hours.  I would have a support system of a company that cares and other consultants that would help train me.  This was a no-brainer.  So, I quit my job and took this dual marketing opportunity full-time, and that has been my passion for the past 15 years.  It has been an incredible opportunity, and I am so grateful that I decided to start.

Through all my years of networking with other businesses, I have had the opportunity to meet the most incredible people.  I have been blessed to become friends with many other like-minded small business owners.  The clients, friendships, knowledge, and incredible opportunities I have experienced over the past 15 years are some of the best.

My grandpa and my dad were entrepreneurs, so when I say it is in my DNA, I genuinely believe it.  Not everyone is supposed to start a small business, but I believe everyone should support small businesses as much as they can.

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August 2023 Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:40:40 +0000 August 2023 Blog Topic: What was your first sale as a business owner? Share about it. If you are NOT […]

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August 2023 Blog Topic: What was your first sale as a business owner? Share about it. If you are NOT a business owner: Share a time when you supported a small business and the experience.
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

A fun-loving woman whom I met through networking asked me to try a skin care product and give her my opinion.  I agreed.  This is a product that I had been introduced to many times before and never purchased.  It was all in the delivery of how she presented it and taught me about the products and my skin I decided to purchase.  I fell in love with the results and decided to start selling it, too.  I have two most memorable sales, one skincare, and one color cosmetics.

Like everyone else, I started sharing skincare and getting women to fall in love with their skin again.  Of course, I started by bribing my family and friends to be my face models.  I asked a friend to try the products, and she responded, “No, I don’t use that stuff”.  Honestly, my feelings were hurt a little that she would not even try it.  Several months go by, and I see this friend on multiple occasions where she comments on how great my skin looks.  I ignored it until one time, I responded with, “You cannot keep complimenting me on my skin and not be willing to even give it a try.”  It was at that point that she agreed to try the basic skin care and loved it, so she became a customer.

My second most memorable sale was a gal I had networked with who agreed to be a face model as I learned to share color cosmetics.  At this appointment, we had about five other women and one of my sister consultants teaching the color application so I could learn.  When I booked my client, she informed me that she would be my model but would not be purchasing anything.  In the beginning, she was very guarded and not even willing to take off the makeup that she came with.  I was so confused; how can you model my makeup if you don’t put it on?  My sister consultant chatted with my client and eventually, she agreed to wash off her makeup to try our brand.  To my surprise, by the end of the appointment, my client was very happy with her new look.  She said, “I have to get going I have a date with my hubby, but I will take everything we tried today just call me tomorrow and we can wrap it all up.”  WOW!  She has remained a long-time loyal client.

In the end, we must remember we are in sales but that is not what it is about.  It is about how we make the client feel.  Most of the time people tell you no because they do not have enough information or someone else in a similar product or service has treated them badly.  I am in the people business not the makeup business.  For me it is about helping my clients have confidence in themselves and your skin is a huge part of that.  How you show up is a big deal.

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July 2023 Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:31:43 +0000 July 2023 Blog Topic: Share something we may not know about you. By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with […]

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July 2023 Blog Topic: Share something we may not know about you.
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

“The secret to life is to put yourself in the right lighting.
For some, it’s a Broadway spotlight; for others, a lamplit desk.”

~Susan Cain

If you have known me for any time, you have seen me serving on committees, leading teams, networking, hosting social events, and gathering people.  Most people assume I am an extrovert because of my outgoing nature.  It is true that I love to gather people and create great memories, I will lead when no one else will, and I have a heart for volunteering. I am also very outspoken.

Those who are a part of my inner circle know that I get energized from being in nature, making memories with just my immediate family or close friends, or spending time at home and getting some quiet time.  Even when it comes to having family over for holidays, I am happy to host and entertain, but then I need everyone to go home so I can re-energize. 

It has taken me many years to realize that I am really an introvert.  I tend to make friends out of strangers easily.  I love having a good time with groups of friends.  It was not until about ten years ago that I realized that I am an introvert who can extrovert very well.  It is in most recent years that I have become more intentional about my morning quiet time.  This allows me to center and ground myself before going into my day where I interact with customers or groups.

Being around fun people, making memories, and being part of groups brings me happiness.  Spending time in nature and enjoying a cup of coffee on the front porch while reading my bible brings me so much peace and joy.  By being intentional with my energy I can enjoy the best of both worlds.

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June 2023 Fri, 30 Jun 2023 12:00:53 +0000 June 2023 Topic: The need my business meets is… (What does your business solve for your clients?). By Suzy Rawlins […]

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June 2023 Topic: The need my business meets is… (What does your business solve for your clients?).
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

Just over fourteen years ago, I was introduced to a Mary Kay product that solved so many of my skincare needs.  At that time, I was not even aware of how much I also needed a circle of women in my corner supporting and cheering me on.  When I share products and services with customers it is so much more than a sale. It is about filling a need.

When I think of how the products and my service have filled a need, so many stories come to mind. I started out on this journey to be an entrepreneur and to support my family, not realizing how many lives I would touch and how many would forever touch mine.

About seven years ago, my family and I moved all the way across town to a new community.  That meant joining new networking groups and engaging in new Facebook communities to get to know the community and introduce myself.  I met a young mama who booked a makeover with me.  She did not have a sitter, so she brought her kids.  I asked my boys to entertain the little ones so this mama could have some quality “me time”. When we first met, she told me that she had not taken care of her skin or worn makeup since her kids were born 4 years prior to our session.  As she tried the products, I could tell she was really enjoying some pampering and fun.  We laughed a lot.  She then applied a “dash out the door look” with makeup.  My favorite part of an appointment with clients is to ask them to look in the mirror and give themselves a compliment.  This mama smiled so big, and I could tell she saw the woman she was before becoming a mom.

Another cool thing about this business is the opportunity and how it brings people together that might not have ever met.  Two young ladies chose to join my team about three months apart.  It was through our team training that they really got to know each other and developed a forever friendship.  About a year after meeting, they both, for different reasons, would end up moving to another state and living an hour apart.  Both ladies needed this friendship more than they knew.  This story has always touched my heart because their introduction to a product became an opportunity for a friendship to be born.

So, when I say that my mission is more than selling lipstick, I really mean it.  True, you give a girl the right lipstick, and she can conquer anything, but it is not lipstick at all; it is the confidence you give her.  This business has fulfilled so many needs for my family and me. It has helped me develop into the person I am today because of the relationships and people who have blessed my life. 

I am eternally grateful to the woman, the legend Mary Kay Ash for starting this company and giving so many women a place to bloom.  It is because of her courage that so many have great skin, confidence, and opportunities.

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May 2023 Tue, 30 May 2023 13:30:56 +0000 May 2023 Topic: Share about someone you admire or look up to. By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with […]

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May 2023 Topic: Share about someone you admire or look up to.
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

To say I am blessed to be surrounded by some of the most amazing people is an understatement.  As I get older, I find more value in fewer, more meaningful relationships than I do in having many friends, which makes the old adage “quality over quantity” ring true for me.

I admire so many strong women in my life, and I am sure I will fail to mention some; it is not intentional.  Let’s start with my Grandma Red, who was a sassy, fun, strong, and loving woman.  She taught me to be authentically me.  Then there was my Grandma Flo, who was a huge influence in my younger years, tough on me, and loved me so unconditionally.  My Ma (mom) has always worked so hard as a single mom for our family; she graduated with her master’s degree while teaching full-time.  My sister, Bee, has worked full-time and dedicated many years to pouring her heart into her local Girl Scout troop, not just for her daughter but for the community. My personal mentor, Donna, has always believed in me and encouraged me to stretch outside of my comfort zone. So many women (too many to mention) in my Mary Kay circle.  Dr. Yolanda is such an incredible inspiration because she is a female Marine, a naturopathic doctor, and she has taught me much about healing, both physically and mentally.  My dear friend, Cheryl, whom I consider family, has overcome so much and continues to gather community and change lives.  My friend and coach, Jamie, has inspired me to grow into whom I am authentically called to be, by her living her life so authentically.  I could seriously go on and on about some of the most beautiful souls that have inspired me and touched my life, and I am eternally grateful.

Of course, there are a number of men in my life that I admire; my Grandpa Jack, my dad, my incredible hubby, and both my boys.

Now let’s talk about the woman whom I would love to highlight.  Tonya Thompson is the owner of the Maricopa Water and Ice store.  I knew Tonya from a distance, watching her on Facebook and buying water from her store.  It was not until I had the opportunity to work for her that I really got to know her.  At the time, she was looking for some part-time help; I did not really need a job but wanted to help because I had watched this woman pour into our community repeatedly.  Tonya had some health issues that took her away from her store a bit, and I wanted to help her in the way she is always helping her customers and community.  As I got to know this woman, it was obvious that she goes 1,000 mph.  She is always giving back to the community, her love and dedication to developing strong youth, her commitment to becoming the best version of herself possible, and the joy she brings to a room when she walks in are just a few of the things I admire about this woman.  Tonya is a woman of faith; she loves the outdoors, advocates for community, youth, and mental health, and she defiantly leads by example.  She has also raised one of the most independent, beautiful, strong, and adorable young ladies I have ever met, her daughter Emilee.  Tonya hit a milestone birthday this year, and honestly, that gives me goals to be like her when I hit that milestone (in just a few years).

May 2023 blog prompt image for Suzy Rawlins post

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April 2023 Sun, 30 Apr 2023 13:30:19 +0000 April 2023 Topic: Tell us your “BIG DREAM” story in present tense. By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with […]

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April 2023 Topic: Tell us your “BIG DREAM” story in present tense.
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

“DREAM BIG, start small, but most of all START” – Simon Sinek

When I was young, I always dreamed of having a large home with land, many animals, and a huge garden.  I really like the idea of self-sufficiency.  The older I get, the more I realize how healthy we would all be if we could return to our roots and more natural remedies.  I am old-fashioned at heart. 

Today, I own a few acres of land with several tiny home cabins, Airbnb rentals, a huge garden, chickens, and beautiful outdoor space for entertaining and relaxing, all close to some great walking trails near water.  This is a true “cabin in the woods” experience. More like glamping than anything but with rooms, beds, kitchen, etc.  This is a space for people to come and relax and connect with nature and spirit.  It is a perfect place for a girlfriend’s getaway weekend, a family retreat, or a holistic retreat.  The perfect place to enjoy the glow of the evening stars and the smell of fresh grass in the morning. 

I’m very proud to call this place my home, and I also have a lovely home on the property.  In order to take care of the upkeep and maintenance of the property, I have staff that live on the property, too.  My husband and I travel quite a bit, exploring fun places all over the United States.  As a holistic coach, I have the advantage of being able to work from anywhere in the world, so I have the best of both worlds. 

Having this Airbnb property not only gives me a place to call home but also provides passive income for me.  This is just one way I am leaving a legacy for my family.

I started creating my big dream goals by attending an online school to get my holistic coaching license while working part-time and maintaining my direct sales business.  I started small and made consistent steps toward creating this dream life.  I would encourage everyone to dream and work toward achieving it no matter what obstacles get in the way. Start small, and most of all START!

Suzy Rawlins is a fair-complexion 40-year-old woman with light eyes and blonde hair
Suzy Rawlins

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