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October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea?

By Cheryl Clark with Clark Strategies


When I first started, I fit the cliché centered around are you in business to make money or are you in business fulfilling your passion?   I absolutely started in business to make money!  I also will quickly say I did a poor job!  I hardly made any money and worked damn hard with little return financially and even less of a return in soul fulfillment. 

I did landscaping.  Now picture this:  Arizona desert.  120 Degree summer days (48 c to translate for my Canadians), FULL sunshine beating down, little to no rain, and not a cloud in the sky!  Seems like a dream day when you are in a place winter happens!  However, landscaping wise – not so dreamy.  I am not even adding in here stories of the cactus and cactus pruning aspects, nor of the mesquite trees and those thorns!

Lo and behold, one day a client stopped me and asked, “Cheryl, do you paint and clean?”  I responded quickly, “Well, you bet I do!”  Did I?  No.  Would I?  Yes.  You see making money was my only focus!  I became pretty good at cutting in corners paint wise and boy the cleaning aspect – did you know you can so cash in on items when doing a move out clean?  Boy the things I’d find!! 

Tired and overwhelmed, sadly no matter how busy I was, it was never enough.  I had NO experience in any of these fields so I’d say oh 3 hours tops and be there for 7, or I would charge for just one can of this or that and find I needed 4 times more than I had ever guessed. 

Why didn’t I just tell the client?  Pride.  They were always so happy at the end.  Was it because of my amazing services and results?  No.  It was because they got an amazing deal and damn well knew it.

When did it all change?   Well, frankly some days it is still changing.  My foundation has been steady for over 15 years now – thankfully.  However, the décor on top of my foundation has evolved and changed and in part kept up with modern times.

My foundation now is supporting business owners in their growth and action plans.  A large, large part of this is relationship marketing.  That is my soul’s passion.  The décor and walls have changed slightly with evolution over the years.  We no longer do so much printed materials since we all moved into the digital world.  We no longer do a lot of coffee meetups and driving from place to place since we zoom.  The décor has changed but my foundation is rock solid. 

Am I doing what I thought I would be doing when I first started?  No.  I am absolutely doing what I am called to do, should be doing, and love doing.  Even typing those words feels amazing. 

Contact Cheryl Clark at team@clarkstrategies.ca

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Marion Knaus https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/marion-knaus-1022-01/ https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/marion-knaus-1022-01/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=401 October Topic: October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you […]

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October Topic: October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea?

By Marion Knaus with Raise the Bar Fitness & Nutrition

My business stays the same, yet also evolves constantly. At the root, I’m still doing the same thing that I’ve done since the beginning. On the surface it changes and grows continuously. I’ve worked as a contractor in a gym as well as owning my own studio. I’ve trained clients outdoors, in their homes. and in my home. The location has changed many times. The level of success I reach with my clients has not.

Do I love what I do? You bet. But I need to change and adapt within my field to remain current. Continuing education and having various certifications is a big part of keeping my clients fit and healthy as we all age. Learning the new and unlearning the old and outdated. Adding new and fun tools to work with to keep my clients engaged is one way we move forward. Adding complimentary disciplines for a full-service package is another. But the basics that support all of this have stayed consistent over the many years I have been working in my field.

Maturing as a business owner is another aspect of how my business evolves and grows. Taking life lessons from both personal and work experiences and using them in my business is valuable. Not everything works perfectly but will often move in the right direction. As with anything, we’ve learned something new.

Is my business evolving? You bet. There’s something new coming around the corner soon, and I’m both excited and nervous about this addition. I can’t wait to share it with you. 

Contact Marion at marion8@me.com or 1-416-994-7591

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Rose Ficco https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/rose-ficco-1022/ https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/rose-ficco-1022/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=406 October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you […]

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October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea?

By Rose Ficco with Rose’s Fiscotti Gifts

If someone had told me in 2014 that I was going to run two businesses or that I would be baking cookies, I would have laughed until my ribs hurt. While I spent over 25 years working for several organizations, my world came to a halt at my last job because I was let go for ‘no cause’. This should have devastated me, but I just turned fifty and was motivated to reinvent myself.

You see, when I was fired, I felt liberated. I spent many years working for others but deep down I knew I wanted to run my own business. Being let go was just the opportunity I needed. But, when it happened, I had no idea what I wanted to do. Well, I did know, but it was too many things that didn’t make sense. Maybe because when I had to sit down and write out all my skills, I was all over the map as I’ve had a colorful career.  

So, how did it all start? Well, with me thinking that I wanted to be a Professional Organizer. I took the course, got the certificate, registered Rose to the Rescue as the company name and went out looking for clients. Without getting into the nitty gritty of it all, it didn’t work out mainly because in 2014, the concept of being an organizer wasn’t as popular as it is today. As a result, I was back at the drawing board. While I didn’t want to give up my company name, I wanted to figure out how to use it but for something different. That’s when I came up with being a Virtual Administrator. Now, this worked out as I had developed quite a few skills in my past career, and this allowed me to accumulate clients on short- and long-term projects for the last eight years.

While I was getting into the groove of running my first business, I stumbled upon another idea while working with my administrative clients. You see, working on your own means you need to validate the time you spend trying to earn a living. You’re not getting paid weekly or bi-weekly anymore. You’re getting paid when you invoice a client for the work you completed. And while I did work, I wasn’t bringing in as much as I would if I was in the ‘corporate world’.

When I came up with this new business idea, at no point was I thinking about being a baker. If my mom was alive, she would tell you I don’t bake. But I do love food, and I love a particular cookie my mom used to make. Mom wasn’t around to make it anymore, so I called my aunt for the recipe. This is how Fiscotti Cookies came to life.

It’s a longer story, but to answer the question – Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea?

No, it isn’t. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Contact Rose Ficco at fiscotticrew@gmail.com or on Social Media: Facebook or Instagram

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Wil Becker https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/wil-becker-1022/ https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/wil-becker-1022/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=410 October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you […]

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October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea?

By Wil Becker with Turning Leaf Solutions


(LOL, I couldn’t resist that response.)

I am not even in the same field that I studied to start my career.

I went to university for IT, computers, and technology; I wasn’t interested in working with people. I knew that I would have to interact with people that would be in my department. I picked my field because computers seemed so magical and capable of doing anything! I remember that my first introduction to computers I was totally enthralled and spent hours playing around in the operating system and with text-based adventure games.

It was mesmerizing.

Then I got into my career, and I got to where I thought I wanted to be and learned that I didn’t like it. Not one bit. Oh, I work with amazing and brilliant people! However, the work was no longer fulfilling.

I had a few things happen in the office that really stressed me out for a few years, and it reignited the desire to take greater control over my life and work. So, I started looking for options.

I started reading the best books, listening to podcasts, watching videos, and seeking knowledge and information that would help me to find a new career and place to work. Through that process, I learned how to communicate and how to work with people. I learned that I have a talent for listening and seeing people for who they are and where they are.

It amazed me that deep inside, there was this ability that I never knew existed.

Though the next few years, I connected with someone who was willing to mentor me and help to accelerate my personal growth. Working with a mentor made me realize I had a knack for working with people and helping them to grow into better versions of themselves. I learned that I could understand where they were coming from and help them see that truly great version of who they really are.

This world is a much better place since I began pursuing the best version of who I am, and it is my honor to help others do the same.

Contact Wil Becker at events@turningleafs.com or 1-443-404-7142

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Suzy Rawlins https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/suzy-rawlins-1022/ https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/suzy-rawlins-1022/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=435 October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you […]

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October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea?

By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

Travel back in time almost 14 years ago to meet the woman I was at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey.

The year is 2009. Opportunity has knocked a few times before, but the time right for me to hear the opportunity and embrace it.  I am a single mama of two young boys, working multiple jobs, and going through some serious health stuff.  I just graduated massage school, but must postpone that opportunity to get my health right. My employer suggests I join networking groups to help me grow my sales.  It is at a large networking meeting that I meet a beauty consultant who shares an opportunity to be my own boss.  I know nothing about skin care or makeup.  It is with the support of my new husband that I leave my job and pursue this opportunity full time.  I continue to network as a beauty consultant, meeting many fabulous people along the way.

My family and I move over 50 miles into another county.  I put myself out there – networking, joining the chamber of commerce, and showing up everywhere.  I build a new network and clientele in my new city and surrounding area.  My health tanks again, and I am blessed to have a fabulous naturopathic doctor help me heal my body.  She teaches me not to mask the symptoms but to genuinely heal my body.

This is a journey of finding my true authentic self. 

I had a rough first marriage, which led to many years being a single mama. I was barely holding it together. I was secretly fighting some serious health issues, and I did not want to worry my family. Honestly, I did not even realize how far gone I was.

Welcome back to October 2022. Let me introduce you to the woman I am today.  

I am a confident, genuinely healthy, back to my roots farmgirl, who is spiritually grounded, proud of my two adult boys, and a happy wife for more than 13 years to my wonderful hubby, Guy.  I have been blessed to attend many retreats and conferences led by incredible leaders and mentors.  I read daily to grow and learn.  I am back to being physically active like I was many years ago.  I am very intentional about my health and my body.  Over the past three years, with the help of my ah-mazing naturopathic doctor, I have been able to heal my gut and dramatically improve my overall health. 

To answer the question “Are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea?”  NOPE!  I am finally following the path God has been cleared and prepared me for over the last two decades.  I am pursuing my passion of helping others live intentionally.

My journey led me to knowing in my heart and soul how important it is for me to help others get spiritually grounded, find nutrition that heals their body, develop unbridled confidence, and genuinely fall in love with their whole life. It is my honor to introduce my new entrepreneur adventure, Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins.

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Jamie Allen Bishop https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/jamie-allen-bishop-1022/ https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/jamie-allen-bishop-1022/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=441 October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you […]

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October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea?

By Jamie Allen Bishop with Jamie Allen Bishop Coaching

When I was a youngster, my dream was to be a veterinarian. Simply put, I love animals – all of them. Creepy ones. Scaly ones. Feathery ones. Fury ones. Big ones. Small ones. I love them all. Besides, I loved the idea of being called “Dr. Jamie.”

As I grew up, my education included everything from Olympic training for gymnastics to art to psychology to bio-psychiatry. I graduated twice from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a Master of Arts Degree. At some point in my future is a Doctor of Philosophy in who knows what because I will be, “Dr. Jamie,” eventually. I am tenacious that way. BUT…

NEVER in my wildest dreams would I have imagined I would end up pursing a career as a Master Toe Reader, and subsequently a Master Life Coach and Guided Meditation Teacher.

When I started Soul Heart Entertainment, it was just me – toe reading – with a goal to enhance and support the lives of all who allowed me a glimpse of their sole/soul. When I started getting called to more than one location at a time, I realized I needed to expand by hiring subcontractors to be toe readers at the parties across town. Soon enough, I was hiring toe readers for multiple states and international locations.

When toe reader clients started calling me to receive advice on next steps in life and in business, I provided coaching services. Knowing I was helping people gain traction toward their heart-centered holistic healing journey filled me up more than I could imagine. Thus, Jamie Allen Bishop, Mindset Coach for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, services were born.

As I got to know these entrepreneurs and their messages of hope, growth, and wisdom, I knew I wanted to provide them with speaking opportunities, and thus was born, Soul Heart Collaboration, retreats where we bridge the gap between personal and professional development.

Each of my businesses feeds the next, and all of them promote the health and wellbeing of those who engage in their services. I couldn’t be more excited about what I am involved with through my businesses.

Am I doing today what I thought I would be doing when I came up with my business idea? I would say, yes, I am. I am supporting spiritual people on their journey to enhance their lives for the greater good of all humanity. Am I doing this in the same way as when I began, not exactly. I still do toe reading. I still teach. I still guide through questions and homework. And while my businesses have evolved over the years, the main purpose for what they provide is steadfast and true to the original intention.

I help people grow into healthier and happier versions of their magical selves, and I am honored to be a guide on that journey.

Contact Jamie Allen Bishop at info@jamieallenbishop.com or 1-480-203-8911

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Jill Vater https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/jill-vater-1022/ https://ledmetothis.com/october-topic/jill-vater-1022/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2022 10:30:46 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=1308 October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you […]

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October Topic: Now that your business has been operating a few years, are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea?
By Jill Vater with Jianna Studio Designs LLC
canva october 2022 clipart

When I first started my design business after graduating college, I thought I had it all figured out. How wrong I was. You never know where or how your life can change in a heartbeat. Shortly after graduating and just starting to get my business off the ground, my world was turned upside down. I started having health issues. For over a year, I was having a constant sore throat and a raspy voice. I was finally sent to a specialist, who knew something was going on but couldn’t figure it out. That was in December. One month later in January, I went to another specialist who decided to do a biopsy. He found something but again wasn’t sure what it was. Now into February, I was sent to the Medical University where yet another specialist did another biopsy. And that’s when everything changed. I was diagnosed with ChondroSarcoma of the Larynx and was scheduled on March 12th to have my vocal cords removed.

How was I going to continue my business, raise a 13-year-old son, and learn a new way of living?

My whole world had changed forever. My mother put her life on hold and moved from New York to South Carolina to help take care of me and my son.

Little did either of us know that it would take me 3 years to recover from the surgery and the side effects. My mother and I decided it was time to leave South Carolina and move back to our hometown near family and friends. Once there I tried to keep myself preoccupied with crafting as it was very difficult for me to try to communicate and relay my design ideas to clients effectively.

When I lost my natural voice and way of speaking, I became very shy and insecure with my new voice and way of speaking. So much so, I wouldn’t talk in public for over five years.

My cousin gave me a necklace to wear to cover my stoma. She said that she wanted me to feel pretty again, and encouraged me to be confident with my new lifestyle. She said that my voice did not define who I was and encouraged me to be more vocal, not silent. And that is when I thought that if that was the way I was feeling that other women were probably feeling the same way that I was. That is when my design work had now shifted into making bead embroidered necklaces for other Laryngectomy women and concentrating on custom designs that were very specific to their needs and to help them feel confident in themselves again. I continued with that for 3 years and decided that I needed to get back into my original design work again, so I started a new design business.

Jill Vater Portrait - white woman, blonde hair, glasses, long earrings, smiling, tracheotomy
Jill Vater

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