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July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now?

By Cheryl Clark with Clark Strategies

I see that word scared in this question and boy I want to dissect that word even before I start typing my blog.  I am not sure if there was anything I was afraid of but there were a few things I use to worry about – that I no longer stress as much over.

At times, I think I am disillusioned – some may use the word crazy.  I have never feared not making it, not providing for myself, not finding a way.  I do understand a lot of business owners have this fear and it’s very real.  I have always trusted the process.  Do not get me wrong, there have been times I’ve been broke, poor, and struggling, but I always knew it would come.  Neat to reflect on that here and now.

The one thing that always seemed to preoccupy my mind early on in my business was the thought of “what are ‘they’ saying?”  I was not worried about what ‘they’ were doing.  I was not worried about how ‘they’ were doing it.  I was worried about what ‘they’ were saying and specifically what ‘they’ were saying about me.  #rawtruth

I used to be obsessed over it and my mind ran the full wide open dramatic game most of my awake hours.

You know the game the mind plays!  ‘They’ are saying you suck.  ‘They’ are saying you dropped the ball.  ‘They’ are saying your business won’t make it.  ‘They’ are saying you don’t know what you are talking about.  ‘They’ are saying you’ll never make it.  ‘They’ are saying they don’t get why you are here.  Theytheythey.

It scared me.

My mind gave up EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. …at some point or another.  My actions didn’t, though.  Truth!  I could carry on the ‘act’ even with the script in my mind being played.  I don’t know why frankly, and I am still like this.  The days I feel defeat, my actions don’t change.  I show up, I do.  I do despite feeling done.

Now what ‘they’ say, and think doesn’t scare me.  I no longer ask myself what are ‘they’ saying, what are ‘they’ thinking?

What made the difference?  What was the pivotal moment?  I think it was in my mind.

I shifted from ‘looking to get’ to just simply ‘giving.’  I don’t look to get feedback, praise, or even business – I look to serve now so only what I put out matters to me.  What comes back is not as important.  It’s valued, it’s received, it’s seen, it’s felt but it is not priority.  What I do and can do and choose to do is what I focus on.

Contact Cheryl Clark at team@clarkstrategies.ca

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Jamie Allen Bishop https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/jamie-allen-bishop-0722/ https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/jamie-allen-bishop-0722/#respond Sun, 31 Jul 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=326 July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now? By Jamie Allen […]

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July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now?

By Jamie Allen Bishop with Jamie Allen Bishop Coaching

Success. Success scared the living daylights out of me when I first started my business over 17 years ago.

Thank GODdess I am coachable because success leaves clues.

Growing up in Hollywood, California, and coming from a background connected to the movie industry, I was surrounded by stars, their kids, and child celebrities. These are some of the most amazing people on the planet – dedicated to their craft, beautiful to look at, and financially blessed. Examples to look up to, right?

Not always! Many celebrities come with baggage, lots of baggage. If they aren’t centered in who they are and what they are creating in the world, they can bring to their fame experience intense problems that sometimes seem unfixable – relationship challenges, eating disorders, addictions issues, situational narcissism, etc.

Growing up, I believed everything I witnessed.

It took me many years to realize the beliefs I held were based on a false understanding of reality, a reality witnessed through the lens of a child’s mindset. I had decided that wealth was synonymous with trouble. Since I didn’t want trouble, I subconsciously decided I didn’t want wealth, either.

(Silly me.)

But let’s back up a minute. Let’s look at what success actually is. The version of “success” I was influenced by wasn’t real success. Wealth, sure. Possessions, fine. But true wealth is found in choices and time freedom. What I witnessed growing up wasn’t freedom. It was more like prison.

Like a celebrity, I want to travel the world and own homes in exotic places. I want to dine with royalty and be known, welcomed, and coddled everywhere I go. I want to be the kind of wealthy where I can take my family and friends on all-expenses-paid vacations whenever we want just because we can.

I also want romantic love, global education, emotional stability, physical health, and spiritual happiness.

To feel wealthy – unbelievably wealthy – I retrain my mindset. Every. Single. Day.

I focus on feeling good. Find the calm and you’ll find the joy.

I hold space for people’s journeys. Release expectations and shift perception.

I laser focus on manifestation. Thoughts become reality.

I am intentional with my words. Focus on what matters most.

I decide that wealth is important because I am important. What you give is what you get.

As I continue to manifest my reality, I become more and more aware of how these dreams are already fulfilled for me. I am already living the life I have always wanted – I travel the world; I am welcomed wherever I go; I pay for and attend all-expenses-paid events; I am in love with a boy who walked me home from 3rd grade; I educate myself through books. podcasts, and global coursework. I am emotionally stable and loving; I have a spiritual practice I hone daily; and I focus on my physical health more and more every day.

My reality is a dream come true.

Success leaves clues and the mindset through which we view our lives is a big part of realizing our dreams.

How do you define success? Get crystal clear about what that looks like for you and the Universe will conspire to provide.

Dream big, my friend, because dreams do come true.

Contact Jamie Allen Bishop at jamie@jamieallenbishop.com or 1-480-203-8911

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Katja Chen https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/katja-chen-0722/ https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/katja-chen-0722/#respond Sun, 31 Jul 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=331 July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now? By Katja Chen […]

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July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now?

By Katja Chen Independent Consultant with Isagenix International

I was afraid to talk about the products I sell.

When I first started sharing my personal experience using amazing nutritional products, I was afraid that people might ask me questions I could not answer.  For example: What are the ingredients?  Why are they in this product?  What are the benefits?  What are possible side effects?  Why is this different from what I can get at the store?

So, what did I do?  I took my sponsor Jennifer with me to appointments and let her do the talking.  She is a certified nutritional counselor and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to ingredient labels, raw materials, sourcing, and processing.  She would explain everything from benefits of certain ingredients to how to plan out a day or a week with foods and supplements.  Helpful, right?  Well, while Jennifer was full of good intentions to help my potential customer get their questions answered, it put me into full “Deer in the headlight” mode. I knew I could never explain it the way she did.  I felt incompetent, insecure, not ready to share what I knew would be beneficial for so many people.     

Fast forward a few years to today.  What changed?  I listened to trainings the company provided, learned from other leaders in the company, and one message was clear over and over: Use the tools!  With so many resources at my fingertips, I have no reason to know it all, I just need to know how to tell a compelling story and share relevant information based on my customer’s needs. 

I now share my story with confidence.  The information I provide is gathered by a research and development team of professionals in the wellness field, backed by scientific research, and yet, still easy to understand.  It brings me joy that I can help my customers make educated decisions about their health and overall wellbeing.

Contact Katja Chen at katja@joythroughchoices.com or 1-702-234-1853

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Matthew Laker https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/matthew-laker-0722/ https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/matthew-laker-0722/#respond Sun, 31 Jul 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=337 July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now? By Matthew Laker […]

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July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now?

By Matthew Laker with Experior Financial Group Canada

I remember thinking they are going to be mad.  I had been asked to review some Universal life policies someone else years ago set up for them and check the retirement plan.

There is nothing like going into a meeting and being the bearer of bad news.  We had to go through the storm first.  I felt their pain as they discovered they did not have what they thought.  Have you ever been there? 

They were only a few months from retiring and needed to find ways to lower the costs, not increase them.  They did not have it.  At the same time, they wanted to make sure final expenses were covered so their adult kids did not have to worry. 

I remember the peace that started coming over them as I shared a plan to meet their goals. We secured life insurance solutions (saving them $250 a month) bringing it in line with an overall plan to help with estate planning. We reviewed the retirement plan and made some adjustment that they felt better served their goals. Options were discovered.    

Realizing we have options seems to help usher in a peace of mind for many of us.

For me, that experience was a shaping moment.  I confirmed I want to run a business that helps people understand what they have or what options exist to empower them to manage their finances successfully.  I was also reminded many people just need a timeout moment to regroup and discover options.

Francis Bacon said, “Money is a good servant but a bad master.”  This is why we need to hit the pause button in our life to make sure we are mastering it.  I encourage you to give yourself permission to hit the pause button in managing your finances to regroup and discover options.

If I can help in anyway, let’s connect.  What is one thing you need to do over the next five days that will put your financial house into a better position?  Send me an email.

Connect with Matthew Laker at mlaker@experiorfinancial.ca or 1 705-430-4643

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Rose Ficco https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/rose-ficco-0722/ https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/rose-ficco-0722/#respond Sun, 31 Jul 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=343 July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now? By Rose Ficco […]

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July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now?

By Rose Ficco with Rose’s Fiscotti Gifts

I was never one to fear away from anything, especially if it involved running a business, as this has always been a dream of mine. But, when someone suggested I create an online shop for my Fiscotti business, the fear of failure scared the heebie-jeebies out of me.

How was I going to handle all the orders and how was I going to figure out how I wanted to sell my products? This was just the start of all the questions I had scattered in my head, but something inside of me said, ‘Rose, just go for it’. And after much deliberation, I went for it, with more help than I expected.

You see, I accidently found a program that was helping businesses set up their digital presence with Shopify, which included a shopping cart. It’s as if the universe was speaking to me because the minute I saw the ad, I applied and BING, BANG, BOOM, three weeks of backend work and my online shop was up and running.

To be honest, the minute we went live, I got stomach pains, but that didn’t last too long. Because the first time I signed into my account, I had 10 orders waiting to be processed. Being over the moon excited is an understatement because after I completed the orders, the fear was nowhere to be seen. I knew in my heart that I was so ready to take on orders of all sizes.

Some people have said that fear stands for ‘false evidence appearing real’, but for me, I think it stands for ‘feeling excited and ready’ because this is more how I feel fear these days.

Contact Rose Ficco at fiscotticrew@gmail.com or on Social Media: Facebook or Instagram

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Wil Becker https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/wil-becker-0722/ https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/wil-becker-0722/#respond Sun, 31 Jul 2022 13:30:00 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=347 I Was Afraid of Talking to People by Wil Becker, Turning Leaf Solutions ⠀ When I first got started in […]

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I Was Afraid of Talking to People

by Wil Becker, Turning Leaf Solutions

When I first got started in business, I was afraid to talk to people about what I was doing. The real problem was that I didn’t know how to talk to people. I barley said, “Hi,” to people at my office job.

I started reading some of the traditionally recommended sales books: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie; How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling by Frank Bettger; and, How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People by Les Giblin. As I read these books – once, twice, and then a third time; I realized that I could develop these skills.

No, not the sales skills. Those come after the people skills develop. Rather, I learned that by looking at people and saying, “Hello,” I could put a smile on their faces. I could share a little sunshine! I could share some positivity. I also learned to stop and listen to their responses.

Not everyone stops to listen.

I started connecting and learning about my coworkers. We started to have conversations, and I was given information about their lives, provided with a deeper understanding of who they are. I was able to connect on a personal level.

It brought joy to my life and lifted their spirits. I could, by a small act, share this little light of mine. Sometimes, I would catch myself diving right into business, and then back step into asking about them and their weekend or family. Then, I’d turn back to business. I still watch myself because I am task oriented and tend to dive right into the task ahead.

Once I started to develop communication skills because of the lessons learned from the books, I was seen by others as being more human, and it was easier to us to find common ground. I learned to smile more, and I did practice in the mirror!

Today, nearly four years later, I can easily talk to people. I can walk into a store and connect with someone for my business. I can have a conversation with a stranger and leave with a friend.

For example, this weekend on a youth retreat, I met two other youth groups and learned that one of them was from Louisville, Kentucky. One of my brothers lives in Louisville, which was a great connection to discuss further. When I learned that one of the leaders was my brother’s pastor, I was fortunate enough to have a conversation with him. I had only one desire – to genuinely learn about the pastor. His connection to my own family made the weekend that much more fulfilling. Is business in our future? Whether it is or not, I am fulfilled knowing I have a new connection… a new relationship to foster.

Now I go out into the world not to contact but to connect – to have an intentional conversation and to bring some sunshine into another person’s life. Maybe, if they express a need, I will invite them to check out what I am doing. My goal is to help others as much as possible; including to help them have fun, make money, and make a difference!

And, you know what!? My business has flourished since I’ve adopted this new perspective on talking to people.

Contact Wil Becker at events@turningleafs.com or 1-443-404-7142

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Jill Vater https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/jill-vater-0722/ https://ledmetothis.com/july-topic/jill-vater-0722/#respond Sat, 30 Jul 2022 13:35:01 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=1490 July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now? By Jill Vater […]

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July Topic: What is something early on in your business that scared you but does not now?

By Jill Vater with Jianna Studio Designs

Something that scared me early on in my business was how I talked and how people would react to my voice because I now talk with an electro Larynx. Would they understand me? Or would they just walk away because they didn’t want to take the extra time to listen?

I can remember the many times that I was turned away just because of the way I talked.

It scared me to the point where I wouldn’t make any phone calls for fear of being hung up on. I would also shy away from talking to people unless I knew them because of all the stares I got from everyone. So, I mostly communicated via email to avoid these situations.

Then one day something clicked. While I was shopping, I was talking with my friend and a little boy asked his mom, why does that lady sound so funny? She told him it wasn’t polite to stare at people and just wanted to move on.

I told her that was ok and asked if I could explain to him what had happened to me and why my voice was different. She wasn’t sure what to expect but agreed to let me talk to him. (He was about 6 years old.) I explained to him how my vocal cords were removed due to cancer and that the only way I could talk now was by using a machine that sounded like a robot. He was intrigued and wanted to know how it worked and if it hurt when I used it. So, I explained it to him – how it worked – and I even let him push the button to make the sound. We had a few laughs and then they left.

I didn’t realize, until that moment, that there were people who didn’t understand WHY I talked that way. I realized I could educate them.

The same thing has happened to me over and over again while out in public. So, now I take the time to educate them on the subject. Yes, I still get stared at and some people even laugh but it’s ok.

I realized that just because my voice is different from everyone else I still have a voice and opinions and shouldn’t be ashamed or afraid to talk to people.

After all, communication is the key to having a successful business, and even if I talk differently, it shouldn’t hold me back.

Now, when I go out and meet new people, I hold myself accountable. I go up to them and initiate conversations to speak openly about my business.

I have successfully been a leader of a Woman’s Networking group for 8 years. And I find ways around how to communicate with people in larger groups through technology. I do this by using a voice amplifier (so my voice is louder), using a projection screen to display my presentations, and helping others in the group utilize similar technology. I also use Zoom meetings for one-on-one interactions.

So what if I am different from others! It just makes me unique and the people that I meet remember me by the way I talk, which helps me stand out and be remembered. Ultimately, it helps people identify me and my products.

I try to make it a memorable experience for everyone, and I am no longer shy or ashamed of speaking in public anymore. I am who I am, and I speak up when I have something to say.

Jill Vater Portrait - white woman, blonde hair, glasses, long earrings, smiling, tracheotomy

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