february-2024 Archives - Led Me to This https://ledmetothis.com/tag/february-2024/ Your Story Matters Tue, 05 Mar 2024 05:17:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/ledmetothis.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-books-scaled-1.jpeg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 february-2024 Archives - Led Me to This https://ledmetothis.com/tag/february-2024/ 32 32 213217184 Tammy Hudgin https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/tammy-hudgin-0224/ https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/tammy-hudgin-0224/#respond Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:05:45 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2266 February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback. By Tammy Hudgin with Creating Your […]

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February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback.
By Tammy Hudgin with Creating Your Presence

As a stay-at-home Mom after working in corporate for 13 years, I ended up in the direct sales industry.  I started with PartyLite (candles), then moved to Lia Sophia (jewelry) after a two-year break.  Lia Sophia was fairly new to Canada back then which allowed me to build quickly.  At the same time, I started using Facebook to try to find new customers and expand my network. 

Six years later, I had built a successful team and a monthly income that allowed me some extra pleasures in life.  I contributed this success to Facebook actually, as I spent many hours a day looking for people, working my Business Page (they were called Fan Pages back then), and running a group of other small business owners (which grew to over 5,000 business owners until we shut it down as it became hard to manage).

As I worked in the world of Facebook and met more and more people, I started to get out in person and attended Vendor events, along with Networking meetings.  This all led to an increase in my exposure and building a network of people who represented team members, clients, and hostesses.

It all changed when Christmas was coming up and we were notified that there was an important Zoom call for everyone regarding the company.  The company was closing at the end of December. Say what??  But, but, but …. Let’s just say, I can’t repeat the words here. 😉

Okay Tammy, what are you going to do?  How long can you go without that income?  I know … I will go to another jewelry company, perfect!

In January of the following year, I started with another company, Tocara, but they were (are) double-to-triple the price point and mostly sterling silver, whereas Lia Sophia was fashion jewelry with a crazy customer plan lol … would this work?  Are they the same market or different?  Will my customers spend the extra money?

By using the powers of the network I had built and Facebook’s algorithms, by the end of January, I brought in $10,000 in sales and continued selling to earn a trip by the end of April … CRAZY!!!

Now, that was quite the surprise, I admit, but to be honest, it really wasn’t the end result for me.  Since I had been using Facebook to build my jewelry business, other small business owners/entrepreneurs were reaching out and asking me to teach them how to use Facebook, too.  Hmmmm … why not start doing Facebook training classes and name them “I was a FB Nobody” … done!

I started to travel around Ontario holding classes and teaching the ins and outs of using Facebook to build.  This led me to where I am today – managing other business owners’ social media, running workshops, personal coaching, and speaking engagements (well, to be honest, I have a few more hats that I wear, but that’s the gist of it… lol).

My social media business is what I do, but I’m known for teaching it, as I offer an approach of really understanding it and working it to our advantage (and no, you don’t have to invest in Ads lol).  For me, Lia Sophia was the door that opened to lead me to where I am today.  If I had not studied the ins and outs of Facebook, if I had not understood that networking and building relationships were the keys to success, then … well … I’m not sure where I would be today. 😊

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Kellie Haehnel https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/kellie-haehnel-0224/ https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/kellie-haehnel-0224/#respond Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:04:16 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2274 February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback. By Kellie Haehnel with The Spirit […]

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February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback.
By Kellie Haehnel with The Spirit Wellness Center

I was turning 40, a time of change.  Within one week, I got laid off from my job as an HR Manager, filed for divorce, was cut off of all of our family funds… so no money, and left my beautiful home with my two young daughters to move in with my sister.  I took two days to do the non-productive pity party.  Then, I sat up and asked myself, “Who am I?”  I could no longer identify myself as an HR professional who was currently employed and soon enough, I could no longer identify as a wife. I would no longer enjoy my beautiful home and wonderful vacations, and I had no money.  I could still call myself a mom, but I kept feeling called to wonder who am I as a person.  I felt as if I had no direction or purpose in my life. 

I soon realized that I was surviving and not thriving.  I was focused on the kids, not myself or my marriage.  Just moving through the demands of day-to-day life.  There had to be more! 

I learned tools that aided me in embracing my authentic self.  These tools were valuable and an important first step to putting myself first.  I discovered what true self-love is all about.  Never underestimate the power of self-love.  It doesn’t mean being selfish, it just means not being too tough on yourself.  Self-love is a vital aspect of personal growth and well-being.  I feel it was about accepting and valuing myself for who I am and treating myself with kindness and compassion. 

I also learned that I didn’t have to define my future by my past.  I can let go of the fear instead Face Everything And Rise!  I have the strength, the tenacity, the abilities needed to create a new and amazing life for me.  So, I got busy working on developing a positive mindset and taking small steps daily to rebuild my life. 

We can’t always control what life throws at us, but we can control how we react to life challenges.  When we are centered and anchored in our authentic selves, we have the strength and tenacity to face anything with grace.  Knowing that the Universe has our back.  Trusting the journey.  Searching for the gifts in each and every experience.

I couldn’t see the gifts in those experiences at that time, that week of transformation, but as I look back, the greatest gift was discovering ME!  A true gift of self-love!  My authentic self and my true purpose of inspiring others to redefine their purpose, to reconnect with themselves so that they learn to put themselves first, and gain clarity on their vision.  To let them know, they are not on this journey alone. To be that lighthouse guiding them from the stormy sea of their lives to the shore safely.  By aiding them in navigating through the difficulties so that they can create and write the next chapter of the vision they want going forward.  Offering them compassion, understanding, and a steady unwavering presence when they need it most. 

It is important to reach out to ask and accept help.  The Universe puts people and teachers in our path to aid us in moving through life’s challenges, to experience profound transformation, and to experience triumph in our own lives.  Next time you go through something difficult, remember that you deserve to thrive!

Kellie Haehnel’s Blog

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Jamie Allen Bishop https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/jamie-allen-bishop-0224/ https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/jamie-allen-bishop-0224/#respond Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:03:26 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2278 February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback. By Jamie Allen Bishop with Jamie […]

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February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback.
By Jamie Allen Bishop with Jamie Allen Bishop Coaching

Perception is a peculiar phenomenon, a guiding force that often steers us towards uncharted territories, especially when emotional struggles are at play. When we allow ourselves to look at challenges we experience in hindsight, awareness is often positive in the face of perceived setbacks. Like a complex video game, we believe we hold the reins of control only to discover that the outcome is predestined. The twists and turns that feel awkward at the time, instead act as beacons of light, guiding us towards our highest purpose. For me, one revelation came in the unexpected form of a divorce.

On the journey of life, we make choices, take calculated risks, and sometimes face unexpected setbacks. The breakup set me spinning out of control with personal doubt, questioning my decision-making and forcing me to wonder what I was going to do with my life. At a mere 29 years old, I had already failed at marriage, failed at a life target of having kids in my late 20s, and failed at my career goal of becoming wildly successful. In the realm of personal relationships, the illusion of control can be particularly harsh.

A divorce, though emotionally tumultuous, can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. The pain and heartache I felt seemed insurmountable at the moment, but within the shadows of adversity, there were opportunities for resilience and transformation. These moments are a reminder that setbacks are not roadblocks; instead, they are detours redirecting us back toward our higher purpose.

Navigating challenges helps us confront the inevitable and move forward with newfound wisdom. The journey post-divorce was not a linear path but rather was a maze of emotions, self-reflection, and gradual healing. My divorce became a pivotal moment that reshaped my life, leading me toward a path of self-discovery and personal empowerment. Like a player advancing to the next level, I emerged stronger, more aware, and better equipped to face the uncertainties that lay ahead.

Life’s journey may not adhere to the script we envision, but in the face of setbacks, we find the flexibility to adapt and evolve. Much like the video game metaphor, the ultimate goal is not to avoid challenges but to embrace them, knowing that each perceived setback is a stepping stone on our destined path.

Since that divorce, I married my dream guy, birthed and raised an incredible kid, and have genuinely enjoyed the past 24 years of my life. Things happen for a reason because (repeat after me), “Everything is always working out for me.”

Jamie Allen Bishop’s Blog

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Cheryl Clark https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/cheryl-clark-0224/ https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/cheryl-clark-0224/#respond Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:02:04 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2257 February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback. By Cheryl Clark with Clark Strategies […]

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February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback.
By Cheryl Clark with Clark Strategies

Hindsight is 20/20 they say.  I am grateful Cindy Rose worded this prompt as she did!

“Perceived” setback!  Key word being perceived!  It’s not factual, it often is not even a ‘setback’ and yet in the moment boy oh boy do we think the world is ending and life as we know it is over!  Yes, maybe a little dramatic on the word choices here but that sure has been many people’s thought process a time or two!

I want to share I’m slow to get to the ‘life is over’ aspect of any event.  I have this ability or uncanny ability (scary at times, I might add) to disconnect and just flow in the event and/or circumstances.  I think of this as an asset really – if you were bleeding to death in front of me, I’d be able to control myself and the situation, and then once you were okay ONLY THEN would I go holy crap I could have died with you!!!  However, I don’t view this as a healthy asset at times. 

My largest ‘setback’ or life-changing moment was for sure my detainment in Arizona for 295 days.  I was safe, fed, clothed, and cared for.  I met some amazing people that I am so grateful for.  I learned so much, witnessed so much, and experienced so much that YOU may never experience or learn without having ‘been there’. 

The ‘setback’ of all this experience was not the detainment itself.  I can say that 5.5 years later.  The ‘setback’ was not even having to relocate back to Canada – Though I will say that was ABSOLUTELY a huge struggle and to this day it still is!  Why?  Because I lost my sense of ‘home’.  (Tears well up even typing that for this blog.)  That is one of the internal awareness moments from this whole experience. 

Sure, there were MANY other awareness moments that being detained as an illegal immigrant and coming back to a country I had not been part of for over 16 years brought to me.  There were, and still are, also MANY opportunities from this ‘setback’.  The knowledge, the speaking, the reinventing, the evolving, the making new connections, the restart and so much more. 

Internally though the opportunity to define ‘home’.  To analyze what ‘home’ is and to push aside what society has maybe programmed me/us to think of as ‘home’ has been such a deep ride for me.  I’m still on that ride. 

Life has taken 90% of my material possessions not once (my first move to Arizona), not twice (detainment), but three times.  Are possessions what make a home?  Being surrounded by the ‘known’ does provide a sense of security and comfort, and let’s face it, looking around at material items also brings with it a sense of accomplishment – all you own and have bought. 

Are any of us secure in our living quarters?  Natural disasters, financial issues and more could pull from us these quarters at any time. 

So, what is home? 

My perceived setback has given me the opportunity to dig in and really search for a home.  This search continues – it’s an opportunity within me. I am not necessarily happy with this moment all the time, but I am well aware of the fact it is providing me with learning that I only have as a result of my so-called ‘setback’.  They have all… Led Me To This.

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Ceone Leistner https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/ceone-leistner-0224/ https://ledmetothis.com/february-2024/ceone-leistner-0224/#respond Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:01:41 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2270 February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback. By Ceone Leistner with ENJO Canada […]

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February 2024 Blog Topic: Share an Awareness as the Result of a Perceived Setback.
By Ceone Leistner with ENJO Canada

Before I finished school, I hurt my lower back… for the first time. About every other year I kept getting hurt again (always my lower back). The final straw happened in September 2006. My back never recovered from the repeated injuries. I have been unable to perform a full-time “traditional” job since then. Some days I can barely walk while other days I can do much more.

It would be extremely easy to get discouraged, depressed, etc. However, I choose to find the positives in all areas of life, and this is no exception.

When my grandfather passed away and my mother needed help taking care of my grandmother (dementia), I was able to help. Everyone else was busy with a full-time job. This time I spent with her means more to me than I can ever explain. I learned so much about her and her life.

I would often take Grandma to doctor appointments, and we all know how long you are in the waiting room there. However, I would take that time to talk to her about family, her childhood, etc. We became even closer because I showed an interest in things she could talk about. One day we even twinsied (yes, we had the exact same pants and jacket on!) These times are precious memories now.

One of the best moments of my life was a day when I picked her up from her adult day program and during our conversation about her day, she said her favourite part was being with me. I was confused because I had just picked her up and she always had fun at the VON program. So, I asked her what she meant. Her response was “I feel safe with you” and I nearly burst into tears. Not because she didn’t always feel safe (she was a self-proclaimed scaredy cat since her childhood), but because just by doing the things I would do for any friend or family, I was able to give her time when she felt safe and comfortable. I still remember that moment fondly and will cherish it for as long as I can remember.

When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, I was also able to go to all of her medical appointments with her to take notes, help, etc. I spent many an hour in the chemo suite with her. As I looked around, I saw many people sitting there alone enduring the horrible chemo experience. I felt so bad for them and would often offer my assistance to them if it was something I was able to do. Mom and I worked together on a hand-sewn hexagon quilt during all those hours. My grandmother had started it, my nephew saw the 2’x2’ piece and wanted it, so I decided to make it into a quilt. Mom and I worked many hours on it while in the chemo suite. Other patients were quite interested in it. It gave her something to do, something to think about other than her medical situation, and we were working together on something that would end up going to the 4th generation.

If not for my back injury, I would have been working a full-time job and been unable to take enough time off to do all of these things with and for my family. Yes, it really does suck being in pain all the time. But, this pain has also afforded me the ability to be there for some of the happiest moments of my life!

Ceone Leistner’s Blog

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