February 2023

February 2023 Topic: If you could tell someone one thing to watch out for when starting a business, what would it be? 
By Jamie Allen Bishop with Jamie Allen Bishop Coaching

I opted to turn this prompt into something a little different than the original question. If I could give my younger self a piece of important advice for starting my business, what would it be?

My advice to myself is to CELEBRATE MORE!

You might be thinking, “What do you mean by celebrate more, Jamie?”

I mean look yourself in the mirror and say, “Great job!”

Then, go out and TELL OTHERS!!! Tell them over and over… for days, weeks, even months. Tell them until they ask you to stop. Tell your immediate circle of influence. Tell your neighbors and friends. Tell your community members – cashiers, doctors, hair stylists, fitness instructors, teachers, parents of your kids friends, etc. Shout your successes from the rooftops no matter how small and insignificant you might believe them to be.

Why? You may wonder.

Because your successes are inspiring, and guess who wants to be inspired by your success? Yep! Your next client! S/he is someone who genuinely wants your version of inspiration!

  • Celebrate the firsts. Been officially in business for one week? One month? One year? CELEBRATE! Served your first or tenth or one-hundredth client? CELEBRATE! Showcased your first post with a new app design? CELEBRATE! Share every last accomplishment, and you’ll create a loyal and supportive client base.
  • Celebrate all your wins in a BIG WAY… publicly, even! Dance around; shout it from the window at the street below; showcase your happiness in a live video; take yourself to a fancy dinner; etc. Celebrate your accomplishments – even the “small” ones. Because lots of small accomplishments strung together are what make GREAT and successful companies.
  • Celebrate the new and shiny things… like a new desk or computer… or dollars in the bank… or a super happy client. We all love shiny things! Share them and remember to give yourself a pat on the back for recognizing how important each step of the journey is to you, your family, your colleagues/friends, and your supporters. Investing in yourself and your company is something worth celebrating. Your story inspires others.
  • Celebrate the certifications. Education is perceived as valuable. Celebrate supporting yourself in seeking, learning, and implementing something new. Maybe it’s a way of thinking; or a new practitioner tool; or even a class that supported your pleasures – like painting or swimming. Whatever you do to lift yourself up is worth giving yourself kudos. Strike that super(s)hero pose in the mirror! You are awesome!
  • Celebrate the implementation of any newfound knowledge. They say the best way to remember what you’ve learned is to do it – take action… then teach it to someone else.
  • Celebrate your intuition. When you trust your intuition and it leads you down a beautiful path, celebrate listening to that gut instinct. People love those stories!
  • Celebrate the events and collaborations. Featuring your product/service at a vendor fair? Celebrate! Being interviewed or featured in an article? Celebrate! Teaching a class with a friend? Celebrate!
  • Celebrate the obstacles/challenges. These are the things that bring us closer to what we want by helping us realize (a) how committed we are to succeeding; and (b) what we do not want. Even obstacles are worth celebrating!

Like attracts like. Just as misery loves company, success LOVES celebration.


Jamie Allen Bishop portrait
Jamie Allen Bishop

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