April 2023 Topic: Tell us your “BIG DREAM” story in present tense.
By Erin McCarthy with Follow Erin on Facebook
Ever since I was a small girl, I would talk to my Mama from a different world than the one we were currently living in. I would tell her how society went back to trading and bartering for goods and skills, how the animals were all treated with respect, and how we (collectively) worked together to save them instead of letting them go extinct. A society where we found sustainable material that wasn’t trees so we could save them because I loved them so very much. A world where we didn’t make any trash and only helped the planet by reusing and recycling and there would be no more plastic. A world where we all lived in peace and helped one another and were as one. She would laugh and call me her little hippie chick and that was one of my nicknames from her growing up, “My hippie chick,” she would say. At 5 years old I had no idea what she meant.
As I grew older and could reach the telephone on the wall, I would pick it up and call every single number I could find in the house. The shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, medicine, anything I could find that had a number on it. I would call to ask them if they tested on animals and if the person didn’t know I would ask for someone who did. I was very adamant to know.
A while later I had a 3-ring binder full of letters from all these companies explaining if they did or did not test on animals. I wish I had it to share, but unfortunately it was thrown out after I moved out for the first time.
Over the years I have donated to various charities for the animals and the trees and part of my big dream is to donate back 10% every quarter to these contributors of the Earth. I am seeing my big dream becoming reality today as more and more people become conscious of their imprint on this beautiful planet we all call home.
We are shifting into a new mindset as a collective and it’s incredibly breathtaking every day. Some choose to see the destruction as disgusting, but does a seed not have to break and combust before it sprouts into something new?