January 2024 Archives - Led Me to This https://ledmetothis.com/category/january-2024/ Your Story Matters Sat, 03 Feb 2024 06:30:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/ledmetothis.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-books-scaled-1.jpeg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 January 2024 Archives - Led Me to This https://ledmetothis.com/category/january-2024/ 32 32 213217184 Wil Becker https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/wil-becker-0124/ https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/wil-becker-0124/#respond Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:06:25 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2177 January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing? By Wil Becker with Turning Leaf […]

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January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing?
By Wil Becker with Turning Leaf Solutions

In 2016, I met a man who opened my eyes to the plight of homeless people. I have known and seen that we have homeless people in America. I have known most of my life. They are a staple in big cities and small towns. We can debate the situation and why we have a problem. While seeking a solution and a way to help people fall into that way of life; we need to do something on the other side to help people out of homelessness.

I have spent many hours and days thinking about this problem and looking at the different solutions that are currently in America. While some homeless shelters and programs assist with short-term solutions, and some address long-term issues, somehow people still struggle while on state programs.

I believe that a better solution can be created and built with the right partners and programs. One of the main reasons I am in business is to create partnerships and associations to make this a reality. Have you read “Up from Slavery” by Booker T. Washington? Booker started with a plot of land and built Tuskegee University with the students at the school.

This is significant because the students and teachers learned to make bricks, do plumbing, and loads of other skills necessary to complete the tasks. My idea is a spin-off of this concept. A place where those who are capable can live, learn new skills, learn personal finance, learn people skills, learn a trade or a job that they can take from this new place and move into the market.

This “project”, as I am currently calling it, would be to create a community that works together to create a culture change to help homeless men and women rise up from the despair of homelessness. Then once the model is proven, we can work to help this idea expand across the US, Canada, and maybe even the world!

Wil Becker’s Blog

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Suzy Rawlins https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/suzy-rawlins-0124/ https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/suzy-rawlins-0124/#respond Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:05:39 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2173 January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing? By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and […]

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January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing?
By Suzy Rawlins with Roots and Boots with Suzy Rawlins

“To chase dreams, be brave like a knight.  Put on your courage armor, charge into the battle with strong determination, and watch your dreams unfold.” ~Anonymous.

Personally, I do not like the term “chasing my dreams”.  I feel like it is something I may never catch up to.  So, I would rather say that I am taking steps each day intentionally to make my dreams a reality.  I think there is power in our thoughts and our words, and we should use them carefully. 

This year, 2024, I have big goals and dreams.  As we start the year off there is a lot of chaos going on with some home renovations, however, the payoff will be great.  We are planning to downsize and be able to travel more.  Being free of a huge house and property will free up our time to allow us to travel, make memories, and experience more. This may not seem like a big goal to some, but to us, this is a big darn deal.  Time is the only thing we cannot get back and how we choose to spend our time is important to us. 

Where do we want to travel, well the list is long.  The journey will begin in 2024 and continue.  We would like to visit as many state and national monuments as possible.  Finding fun and unique hiking trails is definitely on my agenda.  Spending some time in both Canada and Mexico is on the agenda as well.  Taking a train ride across the country, finding unique destinations, and going on a cruise are just some of the things we would like to do.

So, we are taking the necessary steps to make our dreams and goals a reality.  Embracing every step of the journey, celebrating milestones along the way, and making memories as we make it all happen. 

Suzy Rawlins’ Blog

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Jamie Allen Bishop https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/jamie-allen-bishop-0124/ https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/jamie-allen-bishop-0124/#respond Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:05:20 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2188 January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing? By Jamie Allen Bishop with Jamie […]

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January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing?
By Jamie Allen Bishop with Jamie Allen Bishop Coaching

In 1989, as a high school senior, I unknowingly started chasing a lifelong dream. Despite appearing to have it all, my life was chaotic, dealing with family troubles and toxic relationships. Given a research project on the homeless in Los Angeles, California, USA, I interviewed caregivers and homeless individuals, including my father facing addiction and homelessness.

Caregivers found inspiration in family or friends and stressed the importance of an individual’s willingness to seek help, especially in addiction rehabilitation and counseling. Homeless individuals revealed varied circumstances, from job loss to abuse to addiction, with mental health being a common struggle for 89% of them.

Reflecting on my findings, I prioritize mental health in my dream. In an ideal world without financial constraints, I envision educating children and caregivers on emotional, financial, personal, physical, and spiritual wellness. I also aspire to establish free artist communes worldwide, offering detox, 24/7 healthcare, mental health support, homegrown sustenance, self-help seminars, and artistic education.

My dream, rooted in personal experiences and my father’s struggles, aims to provide thorough healing to individuals, including homeless addicts. Despite achieving sobriety, my father faced unresolved psychological trauma, prompting me to consider the impact of comprehensive healing on lives.

My vision is encapsulated in “Randy’s Artist Palace,” where artist colonies offer a plethora of support for genuine transformation. While uncertainties linger about individuals shedding addictions and confronting emotional baggage willingly, the dream persists—a beacon of hope where inclusive care breaks societal barriers, helping individuals reclaim their lives, regardless of age.

Jamie Allen Bishop’s Blog

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Cheryl Clark https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/cheryl-clark-0124/ https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/cheryl-clark-0124/#respond Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:01:45 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2165 January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing? By Cheryl Clark with Clark Strategies […]

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January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing?
By Cheryl Clark with Clark Strategies

I’m chasing a dream.  It’s not a goal yet. 

What is the difference?  To me, the difference is – the dream I can see, almost experience, and feel the joy, happiness, and positive feelings it all brings.  The goal – I see a goal as having a path to attain it, a list of tasks or resources to accomplish it.  So, for now – this is my big dream and it’s twofold.

One-fold is for others.

The second fold is for me.

Part one of my dream is to be instrumental in assisting two very different populations of humans to move forward and shift from survival to living. 

The first demographic is the immigrant population, and the second demographic is the incarcerated population.  Both populations are frowned upon for different reasons, both populations are not supported with tools and skills, however, both populations are living and breathing humans on our planet.  Both populations are misunderstood – in my opinion.  Both populations are labeled, with not such pretty labels. 

The second fold of my dream is to spend time traveling and loving on these people! 

Speaking OF them, speaking TO them, and bringing awareness and support to all. 

Those who have never been an immigrant or detained – need to understand what detainment means, feels like, and how it changes you. 

To those who are immigrants or have been detained – they need to feel seen, heard, valued, and supported, they need to feel they matter and are not their choices.

Imagine a space where the two meet.  Can you picture the Aha moments and see them with your heart? 

The immigrant being embraced and given some tools to secure themselves and protect themselves. 

The detainee being seen as human and not the choices that led them to being incarcerated and provided tools to help their mindset and reintegration back into the ‘real’ world. 

Then add into this the ‘real’ world having their eyes opened and accepting those in both these categories and being interested in the stories of hope, survival, and resilience!  WOW.

My dream – This is the world I want to live in.  This is the world I want to help create.  This is the world I am part of already – I just need you to join me in it.

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Ceone Leistner https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/ceone-leistner-0124/ https://ledmetothis.com/january-2024/ceone-leistner-0124/#respond Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:00:52 +0000 https://ledmetothis.com/?p=2149 January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing? By Ceone Leistner with ENJO Canada […]

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January 2024 Blog Topic: What is a big goal or dream you are chasing?
By Ceone Leistner with ENJO Canada

What is the big goal or dream I am chasing? Well, for my business it is to “Clean the World.” Ironically, this is literally in our logo. But, as I asked myself, this was my honest answer!

Why is this important to me? Well, although I do not have children myself, I have lots of friends and family with children. At the rate we are going in the world, what state will the Earth be in by the time the current children are my age? Every little bit I (and all of you) do now will only make things better for future generations. We are borrowing the world from our children. They are the ones who will suffer (unless we make some drastic changes now) because of the way we, and the generations before us, have lived. It doesn’t seem like a big deal: toss something into the garbage can instead of the recycle bin, spray that cleaning chemical and wipe the surface then wash the rag (unless you also toss that into the garbage can, too), leave the water running when you aren’t using it…. All of these little things aren’t huge if you look at each individual one.  Add them up over a lifetime and it’s a different story.

I have cut out toxic cleaning chemicals (I just use water and my amazing cleaning fibers). I recycle like crazy and have been known to torment my family if I see anyone tossing recyclables into the garbage can. We have installed solar panels on our house. I try to conserve water as much as possible. I prefer to purchase products with minimal packaging (why does something in a bag need to be in another bag inside a rigid plastic container???). I cook from scratch instead of buying pre-made (less packaging and omg the taste is so much better!). We use eco-grass cat little for our two fur babies, and I am excited that our city will start allowing their litter deposits to be put into organic recycling later this year! I walk to the grocery store rather than drive whenever possible (with the side benefit of more exercise). I use my blinds and curtains rather than the A/C whenever possible. I am sure there is more. What do you do?

I would love to see what the Earth would be like if we all cut out the toxic chemicals. Often, they end up going down the drain (either in the sink or via the washing machine, etc.) or in landfills leaching the toxins into the ground. None of this is good for the earth and none of it is necessary. Other eco-friendly options are often even better than the methods we grew up with, you just need to learn about them.

So often I hear “I’ve never heard of this” when I am out and about spreading the word about ENJO. Once people see the results for themselves, the cleaning switch is a no-brainer. Responses like, “I can’t believe how much cleaner my house is”, or “my skin has never been so soft/clean/clear”, are so common when I talk to customers. Yes, I am helping them save time when they clean. Yes, I am helping them save money on their cleaning products. Yes, I am helping them improve their health and that of their family by ridding their homes of toxic cleaning chemicals and residue. Yes, I am helping to make cleaning easier for them. The by-product of all of this is us all working toward the ultimate goal of cleaning the world.

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