April 2023 Topic: Tell us your “BIG DREAM” story in the present tense.
By Cheryl Clark with Clark Strategies
Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.
Scratch, Scratch.
All heard over the sound of the leaves blowing in a gentle breeze and of the trickle of a distant waterfall.
The critters are wanting some love and attention. I’d like to think they are here for more than just food.
Time to get up, feed and pat the wildlife – yes wildlife! Who knew wild creatures could be so tame and want the attention of a human they deemed as safe? I need to get up, feed them, and give them some loving before I shower and get ready to go on camera. I am speaking to hundreds of folks about Relationship Marketing – today’s topic!
Yesterday, that Zoom meeting was packed with hundreds wanting to know more about immigration and why people are fleeing this country that I stay in a few months a year. The crowd wants to know why they want to get into the United States. I find the conversation is changing. It used to be they were curious about a detained life and the living conditions. Finally, after years and years, I think more and more are seeing the human lives behind the bars! That sure took some doing to change the focus.
Another few weeks here, in this compound I call home three[JA1] months a year, and I’ll head back to Canada for some additional live speaking conferences. The hugs will abound… the laughter, the learning, the tears! Then, I’ll drop down into the United States for some west coast engagements, which are always fun as I reconnect with friends down that coast.
Boy, this old compound has been such a safe haven for so many! Those coming out of detainment and back into a country they don’t know. I’m glad we have that old bus that can make it up to the border to pick up the recently deported and bring them here, off the streets as they navigate this next chapter of their lives – deported!
Boy, I remember the times we were all behind bars together, and not sure how we’d make it once we were out. Thankfully, we (those still here) hung on, and after a few years, we were able to build this place and know it is safe for us all to be in, to learn in, to grow in, and to enjoy in! I love when I leave knowing they are all here living life in the best way possible and will be here when I return!
Don’t get me wrong – we hear the cries… the gunshots. We still turn away some due to space and finances, but that won’t always be the case! We do our best to line the walls on the outside of the compound with fruits, snacks, and clean water – so those needing supplies can come and go and get what they need for their families. We have so many amazing partnerships forming now – change is here!
Today’s Zoom audience is all Hispanic business owners! I picked up this language fast for a gringa! They all make fun of my accent but amongst the laughter of my odd, mispronounced words, they are kicking up their businesses and truly making dramatic changes in their lives, and the lives of those to follow.
Critters are fed – even had a huge owl eat right from my hand this morning! Now that is a beak!
Speaking internationally on two important topics, feeding animals – wild animals I might add, and hugging humans is a great way to live.